Dearest Muleteers! We have some new followers, commenters and browsers and wanted to welcome you all along! We would also like to send our ongoing sunffles, neighbrays and hugs to our longer term Muleteer friends whose comments, interest and care means a lot to us :-) We are so very pleased to have such lovely people stop by our blog. We love comments and to share our fun and frolics with our friends around the world. Our friends mean a lot to us and are part of our Muleteer Family so please come back when you need some relaxation or a smile, say hi if you feel brave enough or just feel free to browse, we hope you like what you find here. There are no rules here at Muleteer HQ except for no negativity, lots of fun and friendship, lots of laughs and an appreciation of some very fine ears!
So for our new arrivals here's a quick introduction to ourselves along with some facts that even our long term fans might not know!
The Mini

I always have to be first! I am the founding member of the Muleteers and in FH's words I am a lap mule. I am more like a faithful dog most days and am happiest when sitting in FH's lap having a cuddle and scratch. My favourite thing to eat is banana peel and I am partial to a hedge picnic. My secret love is Catanian, I don't do cats.... but I am partial to this one. My kitty sleeps in the stable with us minis and secretly I'm very fond of her! I am a little bit scared of life after a difficult beginning but am getting so much braver every day. I do not like brushing unless it's with a my furminator brush, I do not like having my feet trimmed and I am petrified of the mule doctor. I am a bit of a contradiction though, I would walk through hot coals if FH asked me to and we are a team. She says that although I am the most complicated and least brave of the muleteers in many ways I am the one she knows will do whatever I am asked if she asks me nicely, I aim to please :-)
I am rather short but this has never stopped me....I am extremely adept at commando crawling under fences, I sink to my knees and drag my belly through, why go over when you can go under?
I was quite famous when I was born and some photographer took some pictures of me here -
Baby Mini and they have been used for all kinds of articles. I am quite cute aren't I?
Hey friends I am the thinker of the gang and do not waste energy on excitement, I am skilled at keeping the mules calm and babysit each one when the other goes out. When I go out on picnic walks with humans they make rather a lot of noise. I am the stability of the herd! I am a miniature shetland pony, FH says she never thought she'd own a shetland until she got me, good job she changed her mind :-) My favourite thing is sleeping, the humans are in awe of my ability to snooze. When I've had a busy day of munching grass, grooming my friends and sunbathing I will go to my lovely deep bed at night and lie down almost immediately, I get up for the occasional snack but rather than sleep standing up like most equines I will always choose to lie all curled up, it's not far for me to drop down for a proper snooze so no need for half measures!
Once upon a time I was destined for life as a 'stud' pony with lots of ladies but it didn't work out. I'm a sensitive soul and wasn't really interested in being all stalliony, I was more interested in a little chat and a bite to eat.... heyho it meant that my 'career' was abandoned and I came here, sounds like a great trade off to me!

Greetings friends! I am Dragon aka Callie. My humans call me Dragon as they reckon I am like the Dragon in Shrek, I am docile and lovey dovey most of the time but can be fiery when challenged! My favourite things are working, eating and being nosey. I am the mule with much energy and am happiest when doing something. I take FH for a ride.... I also am teaching her
Horse Human Agility and like to keep her on her toes, I've taught her everything she knows ;-) Well kind of.... I am fairly bombproof to ride and am happy with tractors, trains, lorries and flappy things in the hedge. I have two major dislikes though, I do not like whizzy bicycles that fly past me and I do not like rude dogs. I am adept at using my dog defenders (aka front hooves) if required and most of our neighbours now put their dogs on leads quick when they see my fine ears coming.
I have rather a sweet tooth and can smell a can of coke or red bull a mile off, FH doesn't think I need more energy. A secret fact is that my favourite place to be scratched is just above my eyes, it makes me get very sleepy and I love it!

No stableyard is complete with a mouse catcher! Here I am! I am Catanian aka Diesel. I came here to live nearly two years ago and think I found cat heaven. I live with The Muleteers and have adapted well to life as a mule. I have learnt to sleep with them, roll in the mud with them, play with them, watch them and keep their yard free from mice. I am particularly in love with The Mini, he likes to pretend he doesn't love me but when no one's looking we play and sleep together :-) I do not roam far from home and stay well away from any traffic. I can normally be found wherever the Muleteers are and love sunny days in the paddock. I can't fathom the culinary choices of the mules but each to their own.
FH reckons I am the most spoilt stable cat ever, I only like the finest cat food, have all the best health care, freedom to do as I please, the canines are excluded from my domain and despite FH buying several deluxe cat beds I refuse them in favour of the finest place to sleep - right next to my mini friends. My mini friends protect me from straying cats and foxes who might be mean to me, if I stick close to them I am safe :-)
The Hangers On...

Woof Muleteers! I am Murph aka the Pocket Sized Labrador aka Cloth Dog. I am the original member of the animal gang and have owned FH the longest. I am happy to share as long as I get quality time of my own. I found FH when life was bad, I was a very sad, abused puppy with quite a few 'issues' as you humans like to call them. I was scared and sick and had no idea what wagging was. Well here I am seven years later and life is brilliant. I have recently been entrusted with a puppy to bring up, being a puppy parent is hard work.... I am very fond of Milo Pups though, he has brought me doggy fun again after I lost my best friend The Big Dog. I love food, swimming and balls and have been known to get up to Mischief on a grand scale.
One of my finest Mischief moments was giving a dogsitter the fright of his life when I prompted a Lifeboat rescue after swimming nearly a mile out to sea... I was looking for FH and having a lovely swim, I reckon the humans were over reacting! MH reckons most of my finest moments involve food.... yum! The messiest one was when I helped myself to a full bag of flour and burst it all over myself, I was a white labrador that day, I tried to clean up but somehow licking the flour made it turn in to glue... whoever would have thought such a thing, oops I was a sticky white labrador that needed a bath after that one.... ;-)

Aruff! Hey Fans! I'm Milo Pups the New Kid on the Block! I am a lurcher with speed in my genes. I can run faster than anyone else in the family. I have only been here a short while but reckon I'm in charge. Cloth Dog says I'm a young upstart who needs to learn respect? Whatever!! I'm actually very grown up and attend work every day with FH, I am good at office work, particularly reception duties where it is my responsibility to meet and greet everyone. FH reckons I am sometimes a bit too enthusiastic, I particularly enjoyed greeting the big boss the other day with loads of licks, leaps and wags; he was lucky!
I am following in the Cloth Dog's footsteps of getting up to Mischief. Just the other day I had been abandoned for what seemed like ages and got a bit peckish. I could see food high, high up on the shelf so I offered to make Cloth Dog and I a six egg omelet, no need for cooking just drag the eggs down, smash the shells and stir with paws before licking up... nearly finished by the time the humans appeared. They cleared up the mess and left again... so I went for the second course option, a litre bottle of olive oil, sprinkle liberally on the floor, paddle in to moisturise my paws and then slurp up.... mmmm tasty! So you see I think I could be a chef in my future, next up I'm going to try making curry!
So there you have it Muleteer Friends that's our fine little family, say hi, tell us something fun about yourself or maybe just smile at our antics. You are all welcome and we hope to see you again very soon to spend a little time smiling with us.
Snuffles, neighbrays, eau de pony, woofs, wags, miaows and hugs xxxxxx