I was starting to wonder if my fly shield was making me the invisible mule?
I had tried neighbraying, I had hung around the yard a lot, I had rolled around in my most becoming fashion and had finally resorted to sulking.
When was it going to be MY turn?
Every time I asked FH she kept saying, don't worry I haven't forgotten you, wait until later.... wait until the flies have stopped buzzing and it's not quite so hot. She promised that I would have the nicest time of all...
Dragon had gone out not once but twice. She had not been on best behaviour on one occasion, hmmm well if you want a good mule you should look no further than my handsomeness - hint, hint!
Roller had been pampered and had a bath (I did too but that's not the point), he had also escaped like the slightly naughty pony he is. Someone had left the fence unelectrified so he took firm advantage, I however am perfect and would not think of doing such a thing.... see FH, pick me!
So there I was, late Sunday, everyone had been and gone, gone home for dinner, off to drink tea and eat cake.... looks like I missed my weekend fun :-(
But wait what's this? My shield of steel has been removed and I'm all dressed up with somewhere to go!
Off we went for a lovely evening potter. We walked to the moor gate and looked at the view, checked out the new arrival sheep and I had a spot of moorland delicacy grass.
FH said it had been a busy weekend but she couldn't let it end without the perfect walk with her perfect mini mule. Oh yes, I like the sound of that. FH reminisced that not too long ago I would not have been up here with her. Apparently I would've thought this was all too exciting or scary (probably true) and tried to get loose which would not be the done thing in such a big open space. No such problems anymore.
It's always important to sample the local delicacies when you travel. I took this advice and snacked a while as FH sat and looked at the view.
So eventually we had to go home as it was starting to get late. I decided to try to pick some flowers for FH. There was a 'little' problem though. They were very tasty. Mmmm I really like the taste of these flowers. Just one little taste. Oops I guess she doesn't want my chewed flowers. Oh well.
So there we have it. Maybe the best things do come to those who wait? I sure had fun. Hope your weekend was a good one too!