Greetings Muleteers! Callie here, I've been spending the weekend pondering a career fit for a mule?
Now many of you might think I am a little silly for being so concerned about finding a job but unemployment is rife in Europe and I could be one of those teenagers that has no choice but to sleep or eat all day... sounds great in the short term but trust me I'd get bored.... and FH says a bored mule is not a good thing... I don't understand ;-)
The weekend did in fact have plenty of snoozing and eating. The weather was mulificent and The Mini and I had plenty of time to perfect our sleeping patterns. We take it in turns to guard the herd, this weekend it was mostly his turn. There we were with me and Ro-Land snoozing in the sun when who should turn up but FH. Well it's always nice to see her but I really couldn't be bothered to get up as I was having a nice chill out in the sun with my No 1 standing guard and Roller Polar snoozing in the background.
So I carried on snoozing and invited FH to join us by brayneighing softly in her direction. Over she came obviously expecting me to be eager to get up but sometimes a girl needs her beauty sleep!
This way FH, I can't be bothered to get up! |
Well we all had a lovely time in the sun, FH came over and scratched the bits I can't reach and then seemed to think that my mulificent self made a good back rest while she also made herself comfy. The Mini was very patient and guarded both of us for a while. Eventually the wet ground starting to penetrate FHs rather inadequate coat (meaning her trousers, hehehe) so we had to get up.
Then it was time for the off, time to go to work, time for a job! FH and I have been keeping up to date one of our favourite blogs here - this post is about us equines liking a 'job'. Well more to the point we like to be asked (politely) to do something that we feel comfortable with and that makes us feel safe. Now I'm a confident muletta and have been considering a career as a dancer (dressage?), a scaffolder (jumping anyone?), a bus driver (driving anyone?) or a jack of all trades (eventing?) but now I think I have found my job.... I'd like to be a Moorland Ranger! Whilst I'd also like to learn a little bit about all these other pastimes and dip my hoof in the water of multiple hobbies I really think 'Moorland Ranger' is the true career for me :-)

This I am good at and I thought I'd prove it to FH this weekend!
So off we went on a lovely ride with My Heroine and Calm Human, we always have sooo much fun. We enjoy listening to the humans babble on, they always have lots to gas about while Breeze and I make faces at each other and swish in unison. After a while of filtering out the humans it was clear that we were going on a mule sized trek (aka not a short one), we travelled far and met many adoring fans on the way. Everyone was out for a walk, a bike ride or were being dragged along by those furry canines (don't worry muleteers I had my dog defenders at the ready if needed!), everywhere I looked my mulificence was being appreciated - oh how I love a crowd! But then time to go off road.....yipppppppeeeee
This is when the fun starts! I have worked out that my 'job' is to negotiate the toughest terrain in the shortest period of time by taking the shortest, safe route whilst keeping FH safely in the saddle. No problems! FH is learning that when I see a route although it may not look 'safe' to her that I know best, this is when I 'lock on' to my destination and she has to sit and hold on and let me do my job! FH is also starting to notice that I do not always go the same way as My Heroine, my feet are smaller and fit in to the little gaps better so I can take the short cut. The first few times I tried this she seemed to be telling me no but after shaping her behaviour I can proudly say I have negotiated with her that this is a decision best left up to me.
A Perfect Spring Day for Moorland Ranging! |
What a lovely ride we had, we could see for miles and miles, the dam was overflowing, we had sheep, ponies and cattle for company and I even got to wave my ears at a passing helicopter, I could have 'ranged' for ages. Alas it was time for home but not until we discussed My Heroine's career options.
Breeze has most definitely got the longest CV I've ever seen! She has been an accomplished dancer, pioneer, scaffolder and has even been a navigator.... not to mention her most important career to date as mule mentor! Although My Heroine has excelled at all of these careers she has always had a secret longing to try something else. It seems that Breeze wants to run a Car Wash!
She has been perfecting her technique as you can see... She begins with a light wash down of the vehicle.... and occasionally any person within easy reach!
Before progressing to the heavy rinsing phase!
I've never seen a long or short ears that is this good with water! I am very impressed and have been practicing with my water bucket at home, the effect is not quite as good but it does make me laugh when FH goes red in the face as she has to fill it up again, I think this is a sure fire way of her getting the hint that I need space to practice my car washing techniques too.... now where is that water bucket and more importantly where is MHs new car that surely needs a wash by now???? Maybe I should be a Car Washer as my part time job? Breeze and I could go in to partnership!