Tuesday 28 February 2012

Mule's Gold

Greetings Muleteers!  The Mini here!  Well it was an exhausting weekend, by the time I had snatched the keyboard back from Dragon I was too sleepy to blog....My little ears were droopy and even my bray was on the wobbly side.  We had a parade of prospectors looking for a precious commodity here in the deepest depths of Dartmoor.  The word had got out that right here in My Kingdom lies a precious commodity that the silly humans call Mule's Gold!

When female human told me that the prospectors were on their way I was all a quiver.....

Long Ears used to help prospectors for gold

I have read human's book about mules that describes all about long ears being used by gold prospectors in the USA.  Now I would loooooovvvvve to meet my cousins in the States, human is always telling us that mules in that country are valued and seen commonly riding on the trail and in places like the Grand Canyon - sounds cool!  However, I would not like to spend my days panning for gold, my dainty hooves are not designed for hard labour, maybe Dragon would like prospecting, she's a banana short of a bunch when it comes to work?

It seems that the prospectors were after an entirely different kind of gold, human said they were after Mule's Gold.  I was very puzzled?  Where was this gold and why hadn't I uncovered it?  I make ample attempts at digging up the paddock when I'm finding a place to roll so how had I missed it?  Suddenly the first prospector arrived and I kept a safe distance at the top of the hill so I wouldn't have to get close, I'm not as free with my love as Dragon and Roller Polar, you have to actually earn my trust, I'm NOT bought by carrots and cuddles.  I watched and could not believe my eyes and ears, these fools were looking for gold in the muck heap!!

Searching for Mule's Gold....
But no wait they are starting to put it in bags and put it in their car, whatever is wrong with them?? Don't they know that they are packaging mule poo, yuckkkkk!  So I listened a bit longer and I learnt that mule poo is good for their gardens and that they call it Black Gold because it's a great fertiliser.  Oh My Mule, how gross, they put this stuff on their vegetables when it's rotted and say that it makes them grow big and healthy!  I know that us mules are superior but really?  Mule poo on your veg - no thank you!!!!
We all stay on guard but we're pretending to eat!

So the day went on and no less than seven loads of prospectors had been and gone and I was exhausted just watching.  Female human and Uncle Human spent all day lugging mule poo around and shock horror seemed happy about it.  By the end of the day the significant mountain (a mule's gotta do what a mule's gotta do....) had reduced to a mere mound and human was beside herself with delight, apparently more will be disappearing this week too.

The Mule's Gold Mountain is diminishing rapidly..... Humans are odd.

She came to report that I would be first in line for the lovely veg that would be produced using the mule poo fertiliser. I am brayless, how on earth could she think that I would touch that! Yuck!  However, if bananas just so happen to be grown with Mule's Gold (human says not!) then I might give it a go ;-)

Til next time Muleteers, remember all that glitters is not gold, it may be Mule's Gold!

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