Saturday 4 February 2012

The Three Muleteers are pleased to introduce..... The Mini!

Welcome to our blogspot fellow long eared lovers!  I am The Mini (please note the 'The' this is very important as I am the one and only or so my human says!).  I am a rare miniature mule; my Mum was a mini shetland and my Dad was a miniature jack donkey, which of course has made me the most beautiful creation the world has ever seen (or so my human says!), it also makes me full of personality which some may call opinionated (please note there will be no mention of the stubborn word).  I am fully grown at a whopping 8 hands in height which means I escape being ridden... however I do enjoy pottering along the lanes munching on the hedgerows.  I am the original member of the crew having been with my humans for a few years now.  The other members of the muleteer gang are the new kids on the block and I'm still teaching them the ropes, honestly a mule has to do everything around here!

So I adopted my humans a few years ago, apparently I had become a little tiresome at the children's petting farm I was living at and had been getting up to no good... well I'm sorry but chasing foals and humans is fun.  I was also a little bit naughty with my feet, now if someone tried to trim your toenails without introducing themselves first you might find this a little rude too.  You see us mules have been given hard, accurately placed hooves for a reason!  That's right to express our thoughts on life!

So anyway apparently I was not wanted around anymore so I was advertised (oh the indignity!) as 'Open to Offers' to an experienced home only, well did they not know how rare I am???  Apparently lots of people were interested in me but none of them quite met my high standards of human behaviour until my forever human came along and seemed amused but not frightened by my mulish ways, I did try to make her see I was a fire breathing dragon but she just laughed and said I'd be perfect.  Apparently she works with my kind for a living (lucky human) and thought I was 'not that bad' so I was invited to join their gang.

When I first arrived home I was very nervous and wasn't sure what to make of my new companion who was a big short ear who I have since seen off as leader of the gang to stake my rightful claim as King of All I Survey.  Admittedly I did continue my challenging ways for quite some time to test the humans nearly to destruction.  I liked to give my humans the run around, I didn't pick my feet up without much bribery and brushing was not on my agenda and having my toe nails trimmed - forget it!  After a few years I have seen off 3 farriers, 2 vets and  2 short eared companions.  I am now the King of All I Survey with a personal pedicurist and mule doctor hoof picked from my applicants over the years and a pair of humans that give in to my every whim.

I am also lucky that I have my forever friends now too, after much deliberation on my part I have not just one but two best friends Dragon and Ro-Land.  Dragon (my humans call her Callie) is my girlfriend who you will meet shortly, a fellow long ear who is a little taller than me and can be a little irritating when she won't leave my handsomeness alone.... I call her Dragon because I was allowed to watch Shrek once and she is just like Dragon from the film - potty in love with me but can breathe fire when she wants to!

Ro-Land is my mini partner in crime.  He's not up to long eared IQ standards but does like to share my toy box and play tag in the paddock, sometimes I'm not sure what he is thinking about but he's a good pal nonetheless.

Dragon follows my every move in the paddock, it's easy to see why, I am soooo handsome!

I'm off for a well earned snooze, more from me soon :-)


  1. Hi you have a nice site. We own mules how is it best to contact you.

    1. Hi, glad you like the site, always nice to come across fellow mule lovers! you can email me on
