Friday 24 February 2012

Humans are confusing!

Greetings muleteers!  Ro-Land here today!  As befits my nickname The Philosopher I'm the member of the gang that keeps up to date with the news, I've been busy stealing a glance at the human's computer checking up on the latest news and happenings.  I'm sooooo pleased to see so many new fans who have found us through Facebook - it's lovely to meet you all, please stop by and keep up to date with us!

So I was browsing through a page all about long ears (if you can't beat them join them I say) when I saw something awful.

I was reading about some terrible festival where humans treated one of our cousins appallingly, what is wrong with some humans?  This poor long ear was ridden by a drunk man being jostled by hundreds of other people and fell down, not only could he not get up but the humans just made things worse by shooting guns (yes guns!!) and pouring wine on him..... I am neighless, whatever happened to these people?  Are they so cruel that they do not understand that we have feelings and get scared?  Do they not know that my cousin didn't want to carry that drunk with all of them laughing at him?

Today I am feeling sad.

They can't ever have looked in to our eyes and seen calm and love looking back at them, they have got something missing from their lives if they think this is fun.

Ask yourselves this.... would a long ear ever laugh at another creature because it fell over? No we'd be straight there to help!
Would a long ear ever get so drunk they couldn't stand up? What a waste of time!
Would a long ear ever fire a gun in a crowded square? Duhhhh stupid!
Would we ever treat others like this? No, because we have better manners.

I am now so confused, I have met so many lovely humans who look after me and love me and I never thought it was possible that they could do such things, although I am the philosopher of the group I don't want to think about this too much as it makes me very sad.  Female human whispered earlier that she has fun and frolics planned for the weekend, this will make me feel better and maybe it will reaffirm my faith in humankind?

1 comment:

  1. It saddens me much and it breaks my heart. It is through education, advocacy and compassion that their suffering be lessened. Still, so many creatures are in need.

    Sweet dreams velvety ears ♥
