Sunday 21 September 2014

First Ride!

Well Muleteer friends it's been a while but we just had to come back to report our excitement at our first ride by HF :-)

HF is rather pleased with our furry handsomeness and is never happier than when allowed to stroke and touch us all, apparently we are much more satisfying to stroke than those hairless humans ;-) We knew that we'd trained her well!  She does look really happy with herself doesn't she?

FH reckons that 19 weeks is old enough for a ride surely? OK so it was more of a sit but we reckon it still counts?

Roller was first to get in on the action... apparently he has been sanctioned as the first mount as he is 'bombproof'.... well he wouldn't notice anything anyway as his head is firmly attached to the grass in front of him!

I was not to be outdone though, whatever they say about me I know my job and it is to look after my herd and most especially my new rider - come on FH I told you when you were growing my new rider that she was MINE!

So come on HF hop on over, get off that ponio and discover the delights of looking through an amazing set of ears!

Yep there we go, don't I look just right with her on top!  Watch out FH if you grin anymore you'll split your face :-)

I'm off to plan some adventures for my new rider..... I have had a few folks say I look like a medieval jousting mule in my bug armour?  It befits my brave nature!

And finally apologies for our absence.... our human foal has been unwell (she is now getting better by the day) and we sadly lost MH's Mum recently so things have been a little difficult.  We are pleased to report that all inhabitants of Muleteer HQ - furry and non furry are well and enjoying life, we will update on all of their fun and frolics soon!

Ears Waves, Snuffles, Miaows, Woofs, Gurgles and of course Neigh-Brays to you all xxx


  1. Sorry to hear your bad news but lovely to see your photos and hear of your antics again.

    1. Thanks Laura, hope all is well at Chamfron, send ear waves to Treacle from us!

  2. Strange timing - I was talking with Derek about you yesterday and today as I have missed your lovely updates and hoped that all was well. It is so wonderful to hear from you again!!!
    Very sorry about your tough times - I hope that you are all entering a more settled phase now.
    HF is clearly a natural. I wonder where she gets that from....mmmm??
    Hope that Dragon is well too. She is a little too big for HF at the moment : - )
    Thank you again for this post.
    With much love and all the snuggles and cuddles in the world from Judy in Cambridge.

    1. Sunggles and cuddles happily delivered with a little help from HF! Hopefully we will be back to updates a bit more regularly now :-) Hope you are well - ear waves, snuffles, miaows, woofs and neigh-brays! xxx

  3. We are sorry that things have been tough for you muleteers. .. With time and lots of love things are sure to get a little easier. HF is a beautiful little girl and looks very comfortable in her role as mini jockey . Take care .. Janis , Ruby , Daisy Woody & Dylan. Xxxx

    1. Aww thanks folks! Hoping you are all well and have been enjoying this wonderful summer :-) Neigh-brays to you all xxx

  4. MH, I am so very, very sorry for your loss.. it's a blow... and I pray you have many happy memories of your mom. I also pray that the tiny HF is on the mend for good! So good to see you, and welcome back! (And I LOVE the fly business) (And I knew Roller would be first!)

    1. Thanks Mary Ann, we will be catching up on Calamity Acres soon :-) hoping you are all well! Roller couldn't help but be first really could he, what's not to love about that fluffy handsomeness :-) xx

  5. I am so sorry for your loss! It is so difficult to lose a loved one. Your photos are lovely.

  6. My dear friends, I had been thinking of you all this time, wondering. My condolences to MH.

    So glad to read again about the adventures at the HQ. The pictures are adorable and the little muletera is precious. Rolly and Mini look wonderful in what they do best!. Wishing good health to all members of the clan.

    1. Dear Carmen, it's lovely to hear from you again - sorry for our absence but we knew our friends would understand! We have been wondering how you are, hoping that all is good with you? Sneind snuffles, ear waves and neigh brays xxx

  7. So sorry for your loss!
    But glad HF is getting better and even riding now :)
    She is so adorable, as are Roller and the Mini.

  8. Yes, Medieval is the word. I like the look. You and HF look perfect in that autumn light. Sending warm wishes to MH and of course to you all.

    1. We like the medieval look too, The Mini thinks he looks handsome ;-) of course we agree..... Hope you are all well xx

  9. So sorry for your loss.

    Amazing how HF is growing, soon be at school! (you think I joke....oh how you will see what I mean one day). Glad little one is doing okay.

    1. Time seems to fly with HF around, not sure where the summer has gone but it's sure been fun :-)

  10. I love the medieval get up and am sorry for all of your loss...
    Oh how lovely that looks!
    My grands started with Badger when they were 6 months old.
    But they don't get to see those lovelies every day...

    1. Oh bless Badger, we just bet he was wonderful with your grands! HF is very lucky to have not one but two willing steeds! There will be plenty of poo patrol to do to in exchange for a ride in the future we think ;-)!

  11. Sorry to hear u're sad news but wonderful to see HF 1st ride on board, may it be the 1st of many many years

  12. So glad to hear from you, I 'd just been wondering about all of you. I'm sorry for your loss and I hope little HF will remain well now. There's riding to be done after all!

  13. We have missed you so !
    Very sorry to hear the trails have been bumpy .
    Sincere condolences on your loss.
    Sending well wishes.
    Good to see you all and the wee one making progress with her future career as an equine Olympian :)
    Hugs from us all here at the Whimsy Willow Farm
