Thursday 1 March 2012

Getting to know... The Mini

Greetings Muleteers!  Callie here!  I have had a busy week chasing around after the boys, they have both been spending far too long in the sunshine snoozing, a girl needs excitement and these two have been boring...yawn....  I decided that we need to tell you a little bit more about ourselves.  I've seen these questionnaires used on dating sites so thought I'd try it out on my sugar pumpkin The Mini so here it is.  I'm not sure about his answer to favourite person, a muletta could get most offended.  Next time it'll be Roller Polar's turn and then I guess I'll have to question myself, how will that work??

Until next time sweet mule dreams :-)

Name: The Mini (aka Monty)
Age: 6 (old enough to know better apparently)
Breeding: Miniature Mediterranean Donkey x Miniature Shetland
Size: 8hh
Coat Color: Bay
Favourite Pastimes: Sunbathing and Eating
Favourite Person: Female Human, she is my safety blanket, when she goes away I sulk and won't let anyone play with me.  I'm also very fond of Dragon and Roller Polar my forever friends, it is very annoying having to keep them in check though!
Favourite Food: Pears, I adore the really ripe and soggy ones and banana peel (man human throws one over the fence every day just for me, Roller Polar and I have a race for them but I'm normally quickest! )
Favourite Drink: Peppermint tea, when it is very cold human gives us warm water flavoured with peppermint cordial - yum!
Favourite Movie: Lord of the Rings.  Human says if I had no name I would have been called Bilbo because I'm a naughty hobbit, I don't know what she means!
Favourite Music: Something noisy like Metallica.
Favourite Book: The Hobbit and The Natural Superiority of Mules - need I say more?!!
Favourite Car: My Uncle has a mustang, I would love to have ride, I'm a speed demon!
Favorite Words:   'Good Boy Mini'  this is usually followed by food from my human, she is very soft on my handsomeness.
Unique Talent: Climbing sheer banks and hedgerows that look like only a goat could manage them.
Guilty Pleasure: Having my tail scratched, I am very adept at reversing backwards at top speed to indicate my requirements to my humans, I have only stood on a toe once!  If possible I like to sit on my human's lap!
Least Favourite Thing: When the mule doctor visits and sticks a needle in me, I am a FIGHT and flight animal then!
Favourite Vice: None, I am practically perfect in every way.
Favourite Colour: Brown, (mud colour)
Favourite Clothing: My beautiful fly rug, I feel mulificent when I'm wearing it and those naughty flies can't pester me and make me scratch.
Favourite Possession: My furminator brush, I hate horse brushes they tickle!  The furminator is tough and gives me a good groom without tickling.
Alternative Career: International rugby player, hard exterior soft on the inside
Describe Yourself in Three Words: Opinionated, Loyal, Emotional
Favourite Quote: "My favourite animal is the mule.  He has a lot more horse sense than a horse.  He knows when to stop eating. And he knows when to stop working."  by Harry Truman. A sensible man!
Your Perfect Day: A sunny day with no wind (except my own, hehe) I would like a lie in and to be gently awoken with a banana peel for breakfast.
A nice snooze in the sun
This could be followed by a bottom scratch and a little while spent observing the humans working hard on my behalf tidying up my mule palace.
Followed by a botty scratch (human would like me to point out this is an old pic and I and considerably slimmer now - not fair!!)
The afternoon should be spent going for a little walk with Roller Polar to trim the local hedgerows and show off our dainty hooves.  Finally a nice dinner with more banana peel and a nice squishy straw bed plumped up by female human who will kiss me good night, cuddle me and rub my ears until my eyes start flickering ;-)
In the afternoon it's time for a little walk with Roller Polar.
A cuddle and an ear rub before bed - perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Mini, what an extraordinary personality. Looking forward to the rest of the detailed introductions ♥
