Wednesday 21 March 2012

A Banana Short of a Bunch

Greetings Muleteers!  It's The Mini and Roller here today ;-)  We've decided that Dragon should not be the only one to be allowed her rather large and less than dignified hooves near the keyboard so here we are!

We had a lovely peaceful weekend without Dragon trying to kiss us both all the time, she seems to be feeling frisky at the moment and is playing kiss chase with us constantly.....  We're quite happy to tolerate it sometimes but when us boys have head down and are munching it really isn't the time for sweet nothings if you know what we mean? 

While Dragon was away playing we got up to our favourite game which is called chase the banana peel.  Imagine a world without banana peel?  Can you?  It would be awful!  Before we joined the muleteer gang neither of us had ever experienced the pleasure of a lovely fresh banana peel.

Now there are real necessities of eating peel, it has to be very fresh (no brown ones thank you!), it has to be split in to chunks lengthways so that we can wang it around in our mouths and if possible we don't want too much squidgy banana left inside.  Our favourite bit is not the filling it's the skin! 

Banana peels must be delicately grasped from human and gently tugged like so..

They must then be scoffed quickly before your mate (competition in other words) gets chance to steal it away :-)  Afterwards a good chew and poking out of the tongue is in order to ensure that human is rewarded for their efforts fetching said peel.  Human often laughs and says we're both a banana short of a bunch, hmmm that's cos we've eaten it!

We would like as many banana peels as possible but mean humans limit us to one each a day, partly because man human can't eat the squidgy bits quick enough to keep up with us - lightweight ;-)

Til next time muleteers!  And remember one man's waste is another mule's treasure! 


  1. Hello Mini and Roller, I love your hoofwriting!. I am sending you e-peels from far away!.

  2. Thanks Carmen! We'll try to snatch the keyboard back again soon to tell you about more of our mini adventures. Human has just bought an iphone so she can video us to her hearts content - watch this space :-)

  3. How well you are training your Human --now you all will shine in video!. Looking forward to more adventures.
