Friday 15 February 2013

Roller's Philosophical Friday: Love

Love is for every day not just Valentines Day!  Dearest Muleteers I hope that you received roses and cards and hugs galore.  I was sending you all my Roller Polar snuffles.  In our house we are lucky to love lots, laugh often and live life to its fullest.  We hope the same for our friends.  Love is easy to give and receive, costs nothing and comes in all shapes and sizes.  Love does not have to be romantic (although this is nice), it can be friendly too.  Man, woman, cat, dog, pony or mule can survive without many things but without love and affection the world is a sad place.

Showing love is one of life's great pleasures; 

that secret smile, 

that trusting snuffle, 

that cuddle, 

that hoof, paw or hand that just says 'I'm here' 

or our favourite; silence... 

when you're with those you love it is enough to be companionable in silence.

Sending love to all our Muleteer friends; snuffles, cuddles and care to all :-)  With that I leave you with my thought for this Friday...

Love is a force more formidable than any other.  It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could. 
Barbara de Angelis


  1. Lovely Friday post as always. I would like to add love doesn't mean spending loads of carrot money on flowers either. Carrots always welcome though any time of year.

    1. Oh yes, carrots every day! Also the occasional apple and banana too please ;-)

  2. Thank you for the lovely post.
    We had a nice quiet day at our farm.

    1. Sounds perfect to us too. There's nothing like a peaceful day surrounded by those you love!

  3. Darling Roller, I am sending you and all your friends lots of love and cuddles
    Love from Judy in Cambridge

    1. Thank you Judy! In return we send snuffles and neigh brays :-) xx

  4. Ah, el Amor (love) ... those pictures are fantastic!. My dearest Roller, you are a very romantic gentleman and such a loving friend. A paw, a hoof, a hand, a kiss, a headbutt, a hug, a lick, a snuffle ... I could get them all every day!.

    Sending you all Un Gran Amor (great love)!

    1. P.S.: Beautiful Rollerhats, FH!

    2. Thank you Carmen! I try to be romantic every day, a snuffle here, a cuddle there, it makes everyone's day start and end with a smile :-) Sending you snuffles for a lovely weekend xx

  5. Roller you are such a sweet little guy. Though I must say you make my Mom jealous with all your snuffling. She loves/adores me, but sometimes wishes I were a snuffler like you are.

    1. Hey Camryn, this snuffling thing is a great way of entertaining the humans, I have learnt that it is my true calling in life. What I lack in size I make up in snuffle power ;-) Give it a go, you might like it and I'm sure your Mom will!

  6. Love it! I think I felt the snuffles you sent out, all the way from over the pond! Like Camryn, Shy is not much of a snuffler, so I will take it when I can get it :)

  7. Great post and lovely photos to go with it.
