Saturday 16 February 2013

Mule vs Midges - Round 1

It's that time of year again muleteers..  those pesky midges (or midgets as my friend Zoe calls them :-) are back with a vengeance.  Now I know you all think I'm super tough and capable of defeating the worst adversaries but there is one that I have yet to crack..... those pesky midges!

I am a delicate flower underneath my tough facade.  MH likes to joke about my 'allergies', hmmmm, but really they are awful!  I am allergic to midge bites (the humans call this Sweet Itch, I call it itchy scratchy annoyance!) and I'm allergic to pollen which makes me wheezy.  Thankfully the pollen isn't here yet but those midgets are out for my blood!

Every time one of the midges bites me they coat me with their nasty saliva (ugh I don't want to share sloppy kisses with them), I am allergic to this... it makes me itch and itch and itch..... I will rub on anything and anyone all the time.  I rub so much in the summer that my tail turns in to bog brush (toilet brush for my non-UK fans) and my mane looks very depleted.  Not to mention the scabs and sore bits :-(  My FH has tried lots of anti-midge devices, I have had various drugs, lotions, potions, rugs, bonnets and other such embarassing contraptions but nothing completely works.  

So this year we are trying something new!  FH has found me a second hand Boett rug to try, she says if it works she'll buy me a brand new one in time for the Spring, she says they are super expensive but definitely worth it for my handsomeness and they even come in the right size! That is 'Size Perfect'  

This Boett thing does come with some problems though....  It has no zips or anything so to get it on FH had to put it over my head and blindfold me in the process.  Can you imagine how hard it is to get it on and off over my mulificent ears.  I did protest just a teeny bit and started snorting whilst running around on the spot.  FH had a teeny weeny shout at me; my heart broke with disappointing her so then I stood still and trusted her to make it ok.

Well it was more than ok!  Check me out!  Do you like my new outfit?!

My Shield of Steel... errm fabric!
Don't I look mulificent?  

Even Diesel came to check me out!

My new rug is made of ultra stretchy soft but tough material and is designed to be worn all the time.... although FH warns me that it will needs to come off for daily grooming and fussing, hmm watch those ears!  

It covers me from neck to tail and even has a belly wrap.  After a little testing the belly wrap doesn't quite fit my errmmmm shape..... so I am currently wearing it without, this is not too bad as my belly doesn't trouble with midgets and they are not good crawlers.

I showed off my new rug to the others and then thought it was time to test it out properly!

Let's try for the rolling test first

Hmmm someone else is trying to get in on the action... yes Dragon we know you have your rug on too (ha that means you're being ridden this weekend and aren't allowed to look like a hippo) but mine is much finer.

I really went to town on the rolling.... Dragon and I are determined to turn our winter paddock in to mud soup, we heard that FH has been inspecting our Spring grazing which will be available for our delectation soon.  This paddock will soon recover... we hope!

Then the canter test

Enough of this wasting time!  There's one last test to conduct...
That's right the eating test!  If this rug is not suitable for munching in then I'm not interested.   

See Dragon you're not the only one with a posh rug.... I guess Roller has his own mulificent rug!

Well midgets, let's see what you make of my Shield of Steel!  I hope it works... I'd rather like another rug to add to my wardrobe - and this time FH make it a shiny new one please ;-)


  1. I have a Boett too!!! LOVE IT!!! Those midges can't get to me wearing my Boett. It's still pretty cold here in Ohio so no midges out yet. Come May, I'll be dressed up again though.

    1. Good to know Camryn, I think I like mine too although I'm not keen on it going over my ears but FH tries to make it better by lots of praise and treats, I think I'll soon get used to it!

  2. Oh, my poor Mini and those pesky midges!. You are very handsome in your new shield and hoped to see you in your lovely bonnet, too :-) You look like a valiant prince in shining armour, even Lady Diesel is impressed!.

    Keep your lovely ears safe from biting, sweet Mini!.

    1. I don't like those naughty midges, they are mean! FH has got her eye on a new bonnet for me this year, very exciting. Apparently it needs a little adjustment though as it is deficient in the ear coverage..... FH mumbled something about ear extensions? I don't think mine need to be any bigger? Diesel is busy eyeing up my new rug for climbing on, it means she can play on my back :-)

  3. You look so cute in your anti-midgets rug! Hope it works, fingers crossed.

    1. Here's hoping! If not FH will have to get the sewing machine out and make me a bespoke suit.... hmm not that sounds like a fine idea!

  4. I hope it works. The midges or we call them 'no see ums' seem to bother us humans more than the mules.
    I do put a homemade spray and then goop on the ears for riding though.

    Still icy here. We had a day of nasty sloppy, gooey, icky, mud. Mud season comes with shedding season!

    1. Yucky mud season, this seems to be permanent in our neck of the woods, icky gluey mud! We've had three days of fine sunshine so we're happy, the first flowers are emerging and we're hopeful of more sun to come, it's still chilly but we're not complaining :-)

  5. You look might fine in your rug! Glad that it passed all your tests! It's best to keep you itch-free and as handsome as can be :)

    1. It is very important to stay handsome, you never know when a Shy lookalike might be around the corner, I should like to look very handsome indeed for that occasion!

  6. Oh mini .. How trendy you look in your new anti midge rug. You really are a fashion guru. We have had some funny white ear covers arrive in our field apartment ready for the spring.. I think we will look nearly as dashing as you . I've not met a midge yet , but my mum says they are a real nuisance, and love our long ears. Well I love my ears so I'm not sharing them with anyone. .. Love as always to all muleteers... Woody x

    1. Dearest Woody, these midges are very pesky and annoying, I am with you, ears are not for sharing! You will look mulificent in your midge shields of this I am sure :-) clothing maketh the man and all that. Sending you neighbrays, snuffles and love (especially to your pretty mum Ruby!) - The Muleteers xxx

  7. Dearest Mini, you look super in this rug and it appears to be a very good fit. I hope that it works well and you can laugh at those annoying midges! Please let us know how you get on.
    Love and cuddles from Judy in Cambridge

    1. Dear Judy, I do rather like this rug, I have had it on for a few days now and haven't managed to rip it (I have rather a reputation as a rug wrecker - one day for a new rug was my finest!), get it off or get annoyed at it so all looking very good. FH is especially pleased as underneath I look less like a bog monster and more like a mule.... there are some disadvantages ;-)
      I promise to keep you updated with the war against midges.... xxx

  8. Midges! Already?? They don't usually appear here till May. Rug's looking good, by the way!

    1. They never seem to have disappeared down here this year :-(

  9. You look very fashionable and midge-proof. I hope that new rug keeps you itch free...and mud free too. Did you leave any mud in your paddock?

    1. I do like a good mud pack treatment ;-) good job as there's rather a lot around at the moment, looking forward to the grass growing! Thanks for stopping by again, how is that very delightful mule of yours???
