Sunday 3 February 2013

New Kid On The Block

Dearest Muskehounds…. There is a new kid on the block in our house!  Can you believe what happened, there I was having a lovely middle aged snooze when I heard a commotion coming from outside.  The humans had been out for quite a while (a great excuse for some peace and quiet), I thought they’d gone shopping… hmmm well they had… it would appear they have bought me a new playmate!  Can you believe it?  Me a puppy sitter…. Oh dear.  I have a good history of puppy sitting with my human at work but at home?? Surely not?

So I went out to investigate and look what I found!  Apparently he’s called Milo, I shall call him New Kid On The Block; his legs are very long and I am little suspicious of the size of those whopping paws, I think he may be more of a challenge than my previous puppy charges who were spaniels and collies?  FH says he’s got all kinds on long dogs in him, a bit like a patchwork quilt…. Bedlington, Greyhound, Deerhound, Whippet… but alas not Labradorian… we’ll make him in to one, apparently he likes chasing balls which means he’s half way there.

As the senior dog I decided I should show him the ropes immediately, they say with puppy training you should start out as you mean to go on.

NKOTB found a small log to play with, hmmm nah.

That’s a stick

This is a log!

Follow me NKOTB and I’ll show you where the action’s at when it comes to wood to chew!

I think he was quite impressed….

Now for indoors, this is my bed, yes I know I’m very handsome but we are posing for the camera so geroff my face!

I’ve noticed that you’ve tea leafed (thieved!) my Doris Donkey away, I’m watching you…

Doris needs to be treated with the utmost respect NKOTB!

Hmm these puppies really do take liberties, while you’re asleep I’ll just have Doris back thank you, now then MH can you please ensure that the NKOTB stays away from Doris?

Perfect! Peace and quiet!  It’s asleep, I’ve worn it out, yay!  It seems to have decided that it would like to stay a little while longer, my puppy sitting skills may need honing.

Would you believe it?  He stayed all night!  He cried a little and I just deployed my ear flaps and gave him the withering ‘Master Dog’ look to make him shush, he told me he was missing his Mum and family, we had to have a manly chat, I told him he would like it here, it is certainly an interesting place to live!  The humans are errrmmm characterful and softies most of the time and there are some great places to run around… he went back to sleep and had some puppy dreams so I think he's alright.

When morning finally arrived we had some puppy fun and then a little snoozing!  It’s such a hard life..

And then he stole Doris again!  Hmmmm

Would you believe it?  He now thinks my bed is big enough for both of us?  Well I never!  Oh well guess I can share for a little while… he has my big den for nightimes and his own bed but no he wants mine! In the day I guess we can share until he grows in to those paws!! 

I'm keeping Doris firmly under my head though... don't tell anyone but the man hug is quite nice!

I promise to keep you updated on my progress training NKOTB…. It may be fun!  The Muleteers will be back soon after this canine interruption, woofs and wags!  The PSL and NKOTB xx

p.s. Apparently FH has ordered two new Doris Donkeys… there are some advantages to a new puppy J


  1. From Morris: So Murph, is this Milo character around for like ever now? I'm on my 5th puppy raising so buddy I feel for you. Although it looks like Milo might be a smart little fella.

    Don't get me wrong, I've like all my pups, but they sure got big on me!
    I'm 12 lbs and they got to be at least 40+ lbs...don't know what that means in UK terms though.

    Way to go, you are a fine fellow sharing your Doris Donkey. I never share my Hedgehogs!

    1. Dear Morris, it would seem that Milo is here to stay, this is not just a temporary thing.... I may need to ask your advice as the 'Puppy Master'! Your pups are big too, Milo will make about 55lbs so i will need moral support.

      I think I might stash my new Doris somewhere safe ;-)

      Woofs and Wags!

  2. Oh my oh my.. Master milo.. How lucky are you ! , you have a whole new life with the muleteers. And you can share the babe (Doris ) you will be having so much fun. We should compare notes on naughty ness . Lets make a pact now, who can cause the most chaos. Looking forward to hearing all you stories . Love from your newest friend woody x

    1. Hey Woody! Yippeee I love it here, there is so much stuff and nonsense to get up to, I have already stolen shoes, cushions, fire logs and hats, I'm getting in to loads of bother! I'm off to 'work' with the human tomorrow so she promises me I will meet some more long eared friends there - hooray :-) Can't wait to compare chaos notes! Love Milo xx

  3. So nice that you're semi willing to share your bed with the not so wee one. He is a cutie!

    1. Dearest Camryn, he is very wriggly and not very small at all! I am being patient with him most of the time.... he is quite cute really but I'm glad he sleeps in his den at night....

  4. Puppy!! He seems to fit right in. And he is a cutie :) Looking forward to Milo stories!

    1. He sure does fit right in... full of chaos - suits this place fine ;-)

  5. Dearest Murph, what a lovely surprise!. All your hard-working puppysitting will make of Milo the perfect Muskehound!. You are most beautiful and kind-hearted. That little paw hugging you melted my heart. You will have Doris back soon ... I am very proud of you!.

    Dearest little Milo, you are a joy to the eyes and the heart. You truly show those lovely lines of the Sighhtoundand your sleek coat is so pretty. You already had many an adventure!.

    Looking forward to more woofwriting!.

    1. Dear Carmen, it sure was a surprise! I am doing my best with this puppy sitting thing.... it is quite hard work but FH says I must be patient it will be worth it to have a buddy to play with and snuggle up to. He is quite a pawful but I'm doing my best Murph xx

      Carmen I've heard all about you! FH said you might be soft on me because you like us sighthounds! I can run like the wind already even though my legs are a bit hard to control, I keep falling over my own feet. I've been watching my big bro carefully to check out how he does stuff, today he has taught me the joy of doing laps around the garden. I have also peered at the Muleteers through the fence, they are big but can't get too close so I yapped at them. Tired now off for a puppy snoooooozzzzze xx

    2. Run like the wind, little Milo!. Sleep like an angel!.

  6. Awww, NKOTB is so cute. Looks like you will have your work cut out for you though!

    1. Dear Ann, I am totally exhausted, FH has promised the 'little' one is off to work with her tomorrow, oh the joy of peace and quiet! It's gonna be fun bringing up this bundle of stuff and nonsense but I might need to ask William's advice! :-) Murph xx

  7. Looks like you are off to a good start with the puppy training. You both are adorable! Milo is making himself right at home. You are a good mentor. Glad there will be plenty of Doris Donkeys to go around.
