Friday 2 August 2013

Roller's Philosophical Friday: Success

Dearest Muleteers, nearly a whole week since my big day out.  How much fun?  So I've had time to digest my success at the important things and supposed lack of success in others.

I was very honoured that I brought home a sixth place but I think secretly FH was a little sad.  She thinks I am the most handsome pony in the whole world (she's right of course ;-) and I think she thought everyone else should see that too.... but then human beings are weird and judge on odd attributes.  So I nudged FH and reminded her that I won the Roller Polar medal for most accomplished, all round superstar.  When you judge by different standards it all becomes clear!

But anyway to us equines those ribbons mean nothing.  I need no rosettes to make me happy, I need no one but my friends to appreciate me.  I am at ease in my furry skin.

This weekend I shall be demonstrating how 'at ease' I am by sleeping lots, eating lots and generally relaxing, sounds like a lovely way to spend the weekend, hope you have a nice one too.

In honour of my big day out I have not one but three quotes!

This one is about FH in the picture above....

When I walk with you I feel as if I have a flower in my buttonhole.
William Makepeace Thackeray 

This is my quote :-)

Try to be like the turtle, at ease in your own shell.
Bill Copeland

And when we're striving for success, we should always remember that failure can be good too...

Success is not a good teacher, failure makes you humble.
Shahrukh Khan


  1. Roller I know you are the bestest no ribbon will convince me otherwise. Zoe xxx

    1. Thanks Zoe, you'd be our winner of ribbons too :-) xxxx

  2. No matter what place you have in a Show, you have a place in our hearts...Quote: by ann :)

  3. Roller so many times my beloved Badger brought home a 3rd, 4th, 6th, or no ribbon at all. I used to be sad by that.
    Then a mule man came up to me when I won nothing. He simply asked me this question.
    "Would you trade your animal for any other one in the ring?"

    I said NO!
    He said, "Now you know ... no matter what, that you have the best one out there. Be happy in that knowledge."

    1. You are so VERY right Val, great perspective and so true. Not ever would they be traded for any other, they always get the rosette of my heart and that's the most important one :-)

  4. My dear Champion, your ponificious self is #1 in my heart. Competitions are fierce and disappointment may feel heavy. However, as I always say to myself before I step into a match, no tournament judge will define what I am. Doing your very best and bringing your true self to the ring before all is the most valuable and the bravest thing to do. It is a winning attitude and for this I am very proud of you and FH.

    You are the champion of friendship, fluffiness, siestas, beauty and wisdom --with not only one but three wonderful quotes today!.

    So here is to you, my dear Roller:

    With love,

    1. My dear friend, you are so wise and wonderful and your words mean so much. To try is the most important thing and we did enjoy it! The certificate has made our week and will be proudly displayed! Sending you snuffles for a happy weekend xxx

  5. Hi Mini...would you like the painting, it's a gift from me to you. If you would like it can you get FH to email me on:


    1. We love it, I believe FH has been instructed... I am so proud my ears are touching in the middle ;-)

  6. I echo Ann's comment. And I love your quote! :)

    1. Ah thanks Linda, we sure got some wise commenters, so happy to have you all along!

  7. Roller, you're a rock star. Your mom knows that you need your whiskers, that it would be unhealthy to add "condition" and that bringing home a blue ribbon on those terms would be no prize at all. The show ring is no place for true love, all the artificial demands don't leave any room for it.

    1. Dearest Dancing Donkey, you are so very right, the super size me diet is definitely not on the cards and I kinda like my beard.... it gets cold here! True love is a roll in the mud and a snuffle of the cheek, sounds like bliss to us :-) Have a great weekend xx

  8. OH Roller you are our mini horse hero.
    Handsome AND clever you are.
    H.B. hugs and Tinkerbella happy bucks!
