Monday 12 August 2013

Giraffe Mule

If only I were a little, itty bit taller..... you know us mules are browsers as well as grazers right?  Well there is a problem..... I just need to get a little bit taller.  I been watching those giraffey things on the telly and thought I'd practice.  

If I keep reaching up maybe my neck will get longer and I can reach even more branches? The best ones are always the ones right out of reach.

What's that I heard MH.... I do not look like some prehistoric antelope... and no I do not look like a wildebeest either.... honestly we're not in Africa you know and I'm greatly offended!  You could at least call me a zebra, I have the stripes on my legs you know.

FH says my neck might not get longer but I sure do look like a giraffe....

What's that about not doing this when we're riding..... but I like sticking my nose in the air and prancing around.  What's wrong with that?  No control?  What?  Who said you're in control anyway?

Laters Dragon fans I'm off to practice standing on tippy toes, then out for a ride where I shall practice my giraffey moves some more.  I certainly shall not be doing my dressagey, tightly coiled snake moves, they is boring.....


  1. So you do that nose thing too? Ahhh, you and Siera must be soulmates.

    I had a mule that would put a sapling between his front legs and then walk 'up' the tree eating as he went.

    Badge was quite the giraffe. But he was very tall.

    1. I definitely think me and Siera were separated at birth.... we are quite alike :-) Love the mental picture of the sapling walking!!

  2. You definitely play the giraffe role quite well! :)

    1. I keep trying to perfect it.... practice makes perfect and there's always more branches that need 'trimming'

  3. Replies
    1. Of course! Much nicer than being called a prehistoric antelope.... honestly - men!

  4. My darling Callie, your neck is as long and beautiful as a swan's ... your figure is like an artful drawing --pure elegance here!. Those greens seem a delectable delicacy, look at your dreamy eyes!.

    Your beauty is spectacular, Callie, I loved the pictures of mi hermosa amiga!.

    1. Why thank you kind friend! The greens are so tasty and worth every little stretch of my neck, I think maybe I am perfecting mule yoga? Maybe this could be my new pastime, mule yoga with the added benefits of greens :-)

  5. What a beautiful long graceful neck you have indeedy .

    1. All the better for reaching the bits those minis can't reach.... they need to watch their waistlines ;-)

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Em, I am trying to take up the new sport of hedge trimming, I'm sure I can do as good a job as a tractor?!
