Saturday 3 August 2013

Returning Smiles

Rockstar Roller - says thanks!
We’ve been busy reading our friends blogs this week and catching up on the comments that have been left on ours.  And we want to say THANK YOU!  Our lovely blogging friends have left such thoughtful and lovely comments this week, they have cheered us up, brought perspective and best of all smiles in abundance!

Before we tell you more about our favourites we thought we’d try to return some smiles with our antics!  So we did some posing for the camera this morning, we hope one or two of these pics bring a smile to you too, it’s our way of saying ‘thank you’ :-)

Always a hit are the rolling around pics..... Dragon shows off her smiley roll technique!

I pretend to be a Rockstar Pony!

Mini goes for the rug off swishy roll.

Diesel decided to hunt Dragons.... she is a Dragon slayer don't you know?

Then gave up cos the Dragon wasn't playing.  Time to go for kitty cat posing instead....

Always time for eating in between posing :-)

Mini loves Yarrow!

Those courgettes are nearly as big as me, I think they're turning in to triffids! MH thinks I look like I should be in Gullivers Travels...

There I was grazing all peacefully with my Dragon keeping guard.

When she decided I should move.....

Well I didn't wanna so take that Dragon, small and cute I may be but this butt can boing when needed!

The mules are getting super competitive about the Long Ears Awards already... it's months away guys.... so Mini is clamouring for 'rear of the year' and Dragon is going for 'ears of the year'!

Finally what posing would be complete without some loving....

So if you’re in need of some smiles we can highly recommend the blogs on our list on the right.  They are all wonderful and we carefully select blogs that we have enjoyed ourselves and that share a similar philosophy on life.  There is not enough time to mention them all but here are some highlights from the week:

Have a look at the ‘Government Inspectors’ at The Dancing Donkey, we nearly choked with laughter!

Drop in to Studio Hyde to see the story of this painting of a certain handsome mini mule…. He is so proud his ears are touching in the middle!

Go say hi to Val and Siera at Mulewings.  Siera was a little poorly but is on the mend and enjoying a new hobby of hiking, we highly approve :-)  Keep getting better Siera!

Enjoy the chicken parade and learn about the new sport of chicken peeking at Willows Farm (and delight at Roller’s long distance girlfiends HoneyBee and Tink)

And of course we could not end our thank yous without a heartfelt one to our dear friend Carmen, Roller has received the greatest honour of all…..

Smiles in abundance to you all, snuffles, neighbrays, manly whinnies, miaows and whinniebrays – The Muleteers xxxx


  1. Thank you so much! How enjoyable! I think the love for your animals shines here.
    The mini but is precious as is Dragon's ears!

    Roller. So handsome!

    1. Thanks Val, handsome that little pony certainly is :-)

  2. You have returned a thousand smiles, my lovely and oh so beautiful dear amigos!. The blissful rolling is a feast to the eyes and soul. Your posing and antics are delightful. Your coats and constellations shine so brightly!. The pretty little Reina always watchful over her loving kingdom ... You keep inspiring art, how precious!.

    I thank each of you, my dear Muleteros, for the endless love and beauty that you share with us. Each moment shared is like taking a ride on a shooting star across this wonderful universe of yours.

    Gracias amigos hermosos!. May the sweetness and wisdom in you inspire many more to come.

    1. Our Dear friend we are always so happy to make you smile, such simple pleasures in life are what makes life worth living! We are always so pleased to share with you our lives :-) Sending you rolls of joy xxx

  3. Lovely photos as usual, Muleteers!

    1. Thanks Cynthia! We are just so photogenic..... a wonder FH gets anything done taking pictures of us all!

  4. Beautiful photos! What a great way to begin any day!

  5. I love Ann's painting! Fabulous. When I say that first shot as a thumbnail in my sidebar, I thought it was a lion! I think I may need new specs....

    1. Haha! Specs maybe.... The Mini is soooo proud to be starring in a painting..... we may not hear the last of it!

  6. Many Thanks Muleteers, nice of you to mention me. Lovely to see you all having fun in the sun :) We will leave Em with her lion! {laugh}.

  7. Great pictures, and I'm going to check those blogs out tomorrow!

  8. Oh my mum was hopping on one foot upset as she had written a lovely sugary (yum) commemt and then we accidentally erased it by licking the screen to see if the comment tasted like our mint treats ...sorry mum ( and it didn't taste sweet at all ...really )
    Anyhow mum says the mulketeers mum is a fab lady!
    Now back to you Roller, swooning we are on our little hooves as you mentioned us as your girlfriends ... mega snuffles * shine to a palamino mini mare and Pinto Shetland pony batting their eyelashes rapidly * :)

    1. Our dear little friends, we are soooo happy that your Mum was pleased, we love your blog and of course Roller likes staring at his two girlfriends from far away.... if only ponies could fly? Sending manly whinnies and snuffles xxxx
