Friday 10 May 2013

Roller's Philosophical Friday: Weeds

Not all weeds are bad!
Dearest Muleteers, today I am pondering weeds.... in an up close and personal way..... in fact I am tasting some of the more delicious weeds to find out what all the fuss is about?

FH has been looking at our paddock and checking if there are any really nasty weeds about, phew it seems not, nasty weeds need not apply to live here!  To balance things out a little I was determined to find all the nice weeds.

It was a terrible trial.... I had to taste so many.....

There was dandelion, goosegrass, ribwort plantain, false nettles, cow parsley, hogweed, some wilted nettles and a little taste of yarrow....mmmm gotta love weeds!  Not really sure why humans make all that fuss about weeding?  I'll help if you like.... if only MH would let me in the garden?

I think this person has the right idea!

Weeds are but an unloved flower.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox


  1. Hi Roller,
    We love munching on weeds too, ocassionally we have accidentally munched moms petunias and johnny jump up pansies too (but mums the word ...shhh)
    Roller ,you do know we think you are so handsome and clever. ... you could come eat weeds with us anytime hee hee
    xoxo The ponies at Willow's Farm

    1. Hey Fine Ladies! You're always welcome to come and sample the weeds with me :-) I won't tell about your flower sampling if you don't tell about my escape in to the feed room and little munch of the bag of carrots! xxx

  2. Human calls them weeds I call them salad. Pleased to see you have your own salad bar. Sadly there are nasty plants that grow in my field. Human is on their case always wandering around with her eyes on the ground ready to pounce.

    1. Here's to the salad course! Good for you especially with lots of dressing (in the form of carrots :)

  3. This is what I love so much about you, darling Roller, you balance things out quietly and efficiently --great menu to sample!. I would definitely have you here indulging in so many dandelions around my garden. I'll try them in a salad, it is said that they taste good for humans, too. Just had the Whitetail Deer family pass by and stop for breakfast in my azaleas ... mmmm ... I must rush out to put a lid on that buffet :-)

    Lovely weekend to all mis queridos amigos (my dear friends).

    1. Dearest Carmen I am so glad you enjoyed my menu suggestions. Hope you had a nice weekend, I apologise for a late reply, FH has been trying to keep alive a poor little orphan lamb and has rather neglected to bring us the laptop for hoof blogging. Normal service may resume soon when sleep returns.

      So lovely to hear about your visitors, not nice to lose such a lovely plant but nearly worth it :)

      Have a good week xxx

  4. the photo!

    1. Thanks Linda, I try to get FH to get my best side.... not too hard when you are as handsome as me .... hehe!
