Friday 17 May 2013

Roller's Philosophical Friday: Attitude

Grumpy mules.... they need to try a Roller trick.  Positive Attitude!  Dragon is having a lady grump and is 'in season'.  One minute she lurves me, next minute she wants to play kiss chase but with more chase than kiss - not very nice Dragon!  Then there's The Mini who is still upset about his perfect little hooves being messed with. Honestly you'd think his legs had been sawn off. 

I have learned a little trick in life, if I sigh deeply, look cute and take the rough with the smooth life generally works out well.  When the mules are throwing their histrionics around I am apt to stare at them with a puzzled expression and tell them to keep calm and carry on.  Why waste life grumping and getting all pessimistic, there's always grass to eat and snuffles to be had.   My long eared friends find my attitude infuriating (I can tell by the ears back, swishing thingy they do) but you know what after a while they get fed up of trying to drag me down and sometimes they seem to give in, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em hey?

So this week I leave you with my favourite saying, try it, you just might like it!

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort!



  1. Great quote!! Loving your attitude :)

    1. Thanks Allison! We reckon your Shy has great 'tude too :-)

  2. Darling Roller, I totally agree that a positive attitide is helpful and you are a wonderful example of a person (philospher!) with a postive attitude.
    However I could do with some help today. I have been away since the middle of last week without internet access (so no comments from me on all the lovely recent blogs from the Muleteers) and I have got back to some very sad news. A gorgeous miniature Falabella horse whom I loved very much (her name was Hannah) had to go the "Rainbow Bridge" on 8 May. I have only just found out as I have been away. She was 23 years old and had a very sad life (abused by nasty people - don't think about it Roller) until she was rescued by my local sanctuary about 4 years ago. Lots of tears from me today - any chance of extra cuddles from the Muleteers in the internet airways today? Could I also ask all the people who read this to spare a thought for Hannah who has passed away...a very tiny lady, at least she had four happy years at the end of her life...
    With love (and tears) from Judy in Cambridge

    1. Dearest Judy, please, accept my most sincere condolences and the sweetest of thoughts in loving memory of little Hannah. Her later years at the sanctuary brought her all the respect and love deserved. However, a long life spent abused is unforgivable. Sentient beings, who are capable of great suffering, endure much pain both physically and emotionally and, sometimes, they do not heal. They are our brethren, not our possessions. Tender thoughts go to the fact that Hannah died surrounded by caring and responsible humans.

      I have known long the Falabellas (people and horses) from my native Argentina. Since I am a child I thought it wrong. As I commented in a previous post time ago, seeing in the magazines rich people proudly showing their palaces indoors, along their Falabellas where these miniature "pets" posed as a piece of décor, was distressful to me. Genetic manipulation and indoors lives as "pets" is a cruelty in its own.

      Sweet Hannah does not trot far from those who truly loved her.

      A heartfelt hug,

    2. Our dear friend Judy. We offer you what we can to heal your pain. Imagine yourself in a small field in Devon with me and The Mini stood by your shoulder, kneel down to us, we will blow softly on your tears to dry them, sink your nose in to my luxury mane, inhale my glorious eau de pony, sit awhile with us and we will rest our heads on your shoulder and snuffle you until you feel better. Look in to our eyes and know that dear Hannah is somewhere that no one will ever hurt her again. She has gone to a place where the sun always shines, the grass is sweet and she has only friends.

      We share your sadness our friend and will have Hannah in our thoughts.

      With Love - The Muleteers xxx

  3. Absolutely love the Quote and oh so true.

  4. Ah, my darling Roller, I need to sigh deeply after learning about little Hannah from Judy, above. Each innocent and defenceless life is precious and deserves the love and care we all are entitled to. I"ll take a deep breath and think also of you all, who share a nurturing life with your humans, precious themselves.

    My dear Roller, thank you for bringing calmness to our lives, for comforting those in need. Your mind is like water: strong yet flexible, so pure that in its reflection we can see ourselves.

    With great love,

    1. Dearest Carmen, such things make the heart heavy and sighing is inevitable. I take my job of comfort so very seriously, I realise that many times humans are most comforted by the simplicity of my breath, by a sniff of my mane, by a well placed nudge or simply nothing. Sometimes the most comforting thing is an easy silence and the sound of soft breathing to remind us all that we all share the precious nature of life. I send you my deepest, heartfelt snuffles, soft blows on the back of your neck and gentle nudges towards a lovely weekend.

      Lots of Love Roller xxx

    2. I could feel your sweet breath upon my neck, dear Roller, thank you ... ♥

    3. You are so very welcome my friend, simple pleasures silently shared are the true wealth of life xxx

  5. Great quote. My Mom says "fake it till ya make it"

    1. Loving the thought, we think your Mom is a philosopher in the making!

    2. Dear Judy,GH here,alas I know very little about Falabella Horses but I can read the pain in your reply that you are feeling today.Try to think of all the positive things you must have brought to Hannah's life and the love that you gave her.Good can overcome the bad things in life.
      Thinking of you.GH

  6. I laughed at the quote at the end of your post. :) I have yet to see a grumpy mule. Great post.

    1. They occasionally exist Linda! Most of the time they are the life and soul of the party but just sometimes the ears slip!

  7. Thank you to everyone - The Muleteers, FH, Carmen and GH - who commented on my posting about Hannah. I was dreadfully upset on Friday and your comments really helped. I have decided that, as well as making a donation to the sanctuary which rescued Hannah, I will pay for a small memorial plaque - for most of Hannah's life no-one cared about her at all but she was loved in her last few years and I don't want her to be forgotten. Thank you again. There is kindness in the world and it means a lot.
    From Judy in Cambridge

    1. How lovely, Judy, how touching ... Love to you and little Hannah ♥

    2. We are so pleased that you came to tell us of your sadness and to remember your lost friend Hannah, you allowed us to share her spirit and remember her with you here in our family, every soul deserves to be loved and cared for. Sending you special thoughts and hugs xxx
