Friday 5 April 2013

Roller's Book Club

Greetings Book Worms! Oops meant muleteers, sorry :-)  The sun has been shining and although the temperatures have been in single figures I've been indulging my new hobby with FH.  I have a liking for reading books....  they also taste quite nice (hmmm).  FH likes to read outdoors in the sunshine with us (she looks a bit like a marshmallow in all her puffy coats, hats and layers) and she has had a few days off so we've been catching up on our book collection.

This week we have been reading Claire Balding's 'My Animals and Other Family' which has many fine characters and is beautifully written.  There are racehorses (not like Dragon although she dreams), lurchers (like Milo) and best of all Shetland ponies (like me!)!  Claire Balding, for our non UK friends, is a sports commentator, former champion jockey and proper British eccentric who discusses her life through the animals she has shared it with - it is blissful to read and I was very happy to perch next to FH and sneak a look.  I think Valkyrie the Queen's shetland who featured in the book may actually be a relation of mine ;-)  In the end the book was finished, FH and I both felt a little sad, it was the end of the holiday, the end of the book and the sun had gone behind the clouds.  Oh well I'm looking forward to the next book, if the sun will just hang on it would be very nice.

If you're in need of a little relaxation and a good book to while away the hours this book gets the Roller seal of approval.... I wonder what FH will have for me next?  Hopefully not Black Beauty again for about the one millionth time.....

Wishing you a happy weekend, I'm off to see what else there is to read, any suggestions??

You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you've lost a friend. 
Paul Sweeney


  1. Morris does read! He loves to hold my place in the book for me. Especially from my lap.

    I am going to go out with Opal today and find some signs of spring it will be so nice to ride again!

    Link on Flickr of Morris with book:

    1. Morris is one clever pup, as always he is a hit in our household! He looks like he understands all the words in the book, probably better than the humans :-) Glad you had a lovely ride with Opal!

  2. Oh my. . .could Roller be any cuter? He reads with you, so adorable!!

    1. He is brilliant, only slightly distracting....wouldn't swap his company for the world though! Many of our books have muddy snuffle marks and paw prints, adds to their appeal!

  3. My dear Roller, I am not surprised, a fine gentleman like you does indulge in good reading :-)

    Glad to hear that the skies have partially opened for a leisurely time along FH. Over here, still freezing, the snow and ice refuse to leave my garden ...

    I have been looking for the complete English translation of a precious book I read when I was little. It touched me deeply and the name of the donkey, Platero (Silvery), stood with me forever. The book is entitled "Platero y Yo (and I)", written by Spanish Nobel laureate Juan Ramón Jiménez (1956). The book is about the adventures and friendship between the human and his pretty donkey, written in 1916.

    The prose is lovely. The opening is one of the sweetest descriptions ever!.

    There is an excerpt in English here:

    Full Spanish version here:

    If I ever crystallize my dream of adopting a long ear, Platero would be the name ♥

    1. Dear Carmen, thank you for recommending this book, we are going to purchase it with our pocket mule money! FH has never read it but you have persuaded her to get a copy, she was transfixed by the preview and now desperately wants to read more :-) We know a lovely rescued donkey in Spain called Platero, he is a big donkey with extremely handsome ears and patience in abundance, he very much suits the name!

      Another donkey book that we love is Caroline: A Mystery

      Have a lovely weekend xxx

    2. Glad FH liked it!. Hope it will be a delicious book in paper format ;-) The book about Caroline sounds like a great read, thank you!.

      Ah, I would love to see the lovely rescued Platero you mention, is there a link to his picture? ....

      May the sun shine brightly over your weekend.

  4. I LOVE Platero y Yo also! Am reading the second in the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy right now and almost ashamed to admit it, as it's one of those probably over-rated "pop" best sellers, but have a long list of great books coming up! The donkeys would enjoy eating the pages, I'm sure!

    But am just about to begin (for the 2nd time) Karen Pryor's Reaching The Animal Mind, for the course I am taking. I really recommend it for everyone interested in working with animals - it's fabulous!

    1. We're definitely going to get a copy of Platero and I, can't wait for it to arrive. Caroline: A mystery the book mentioned above is also worth a read for donkey fans. I've read the Dragon Tattoo trilogy and guiltily enjoyed them all, some books are easy reading, pass the time and fit a space in time, we tend to mix a 'pop' book with something more serious and makes us enjoy each all the more. Thanks for the recommendation of the Karen Pryor book, going to look that one up too, sure Roller will approve :-)
