Friday 3 May 2013

Roller's Philosophical Friday: Clothes

Once those fine garments were mine!
Oops I am a little late with my Friday ponderings today.... you see I have been busy picking out my
weekend wardrobe!  The weekend is here and it's time to look my best.  I am struggling a bit.... I am suddenly very 'last season' and seem to be behind the fashion....

I begged FH to get the brush out, it has been hot and I have been a little sweaty and in need of some help to shed my coat!  If the weather continues to be so warm I may need a broom not a brush.

So FH came out with the brush and stripped away as much of last season's look as she could, fluffy Roller is so Winter, sleek Roller is required this season.

After much time spent at the hair salon I felt a lot lighter and a little less moth eaten, there is still a lot of hair left to lose but Rome wasn't built in a day and Roller wasn't bared in one either.  Knowing my luck the snow will return and where will I be without my Roller Polar coat?

Catanian looked on with great interest, she likes to play with my shed fur, she had been rolling around in the mud and grime and seems to be trying to lose her winter fluff too, she's not too keen on brushing though!

Catanian said not to worry about my rather last season look she told me a little secret...

"Clothes do not make the man"

This is true I guess... although do NOT tell The Mini that about his 'shield of steel' against the midges!  Those clothes maketh a happy mule!


  1. Precious silky hair!. My dearest Roller, you are the finest yielder of winter garments. More than one lucky bird will use your silvery strands to build a fancy Rolly-nest ;-)

    Our little Queen seems delighted with such finery, perhaps a luxurious regal cape to wear?.

    I love you summer fashion, light and comfortable. The Mini is certainly very happy in his shining armour, even if a little warm nothing beats to go around midgetless :-)

    Enjoy the nice weather, mis queridos amigos (my dear friends).

    1. My Dear Carmen, there are so many birds taking my hair, the greediest (and cleverest) are our friends the Jackdaws who are delighting in my silky, soft hair... they will bring their fledglings later in the year to teach them the best source of nest lining!

      The MIni is so happy with his bug armour, a little heat is a small price to pay for being midge-less, thank goodness for the moment he isn't rubbing with irritation.

      We are having beautiful weather, we hope you are too :-)

  2. Winter fluff is late to lose this year. What a fabulous pile of fluff you have left for the birdies. They are going to be happy comfy nests this year.

    1. We try to help our birdies, we have all been a little late shedding this year but have certainly started in earnest now, phew it's a little hot now!

  3. Bet if you look in nearby bird nest you'll find they appreciate your going for a new look too! Our cats like playing with my fluff as it's groomed off too. Your midges must come earlier than ours. Haven't needed my special clothes here "yet".

    1. Glad those pesky midges haven't made an appearance for you yet Camryn, I hate them! Hope your weather is Spring like soon!

  4. Very Cute indeed LOL We just had two pony shed piles on our barn floor after brushing today . Tink says thanks for reminding mom that she needs to get out the midge sheet. Poor Tinky is so allergic to them :(

    1. Poor Tinky... we sympathise, those horrible midges are just so annoying! Here's to any excuse for a good brush :-)

  5. Replies
    1. Why thank you kind lady, sending snuffles and neighbrays back to that beautiful Hafy Shy!

  6. Midges are awful. I haven't found much yet to fight them off and I don't like spraying bug spray every day.

    I have several animals that need both a good curry and a shedding blade!

    1. Oh the nightmare of midges, if we could find a bug spray that really worked we'd be rich! Hope your weather is on the up ready for some mules rides :-)

  7. Our aussie got up in the middle, strolled away and now has a summer mohawk...quite adorable.

    1. Hehe, a summer mohawk sounds great! How can I persuade FH that this is the way ahead?! A punk mule sounds brilliant :-)
