Friday 11 January 2013

Roller's Philosophical Friday: Laughter

Hehehehehehehe..... sorry just have a little chuckle to myself! I can't help but delight in the power of laughter.  Us Muleteers like nothing more than making our humans laugh a little.  There are some actions guaranteed to make them laugh

1/. Snuffling - as demonstrated this week - the muddier the muzzle and the more involvement of the human face the better
2/. Well placed mud on the face, Dragon is particualrly good at the full mud pack camouflage
3/. Stealth mule - this is the creep up behind a human tactic and then blow softly in to their ears when they don't know you're there, this is the Mini's speciality.
4/. The wall of death kitty cat, when Catanian is wound up by nothing at all and does a great impression of a cat in a washing machine around Dragon's stable.

The possibilities are endless my friends!  Sometimes the humans make us laugh too.  There is the never ending, appalling fashion sense of FH, what passes as fashion is strange.... especially with our embellishments of straw and mud.  FH regularly leaves for work with paw prints, straw and muzzle marks on her clothes, good job she works somewhere understanding.  Humans are also exceptionally sophisticated until they fall in to the muck heap or anywhere else muddy.... hilarious!  The best laugh is when the human is frustrated and loses their temper at an inanimate object like the broom that keeps falling over and then just has to laugh at themselves for being so ridiculous.  Of course us Muleteers try not to laugh too much in the humans' face, we blink widely and ensure that the humans think we wouldn't possibly laugh at them...... we are laughing with them ;-)

As it's January I reckon we could all do with a little more laughter in our lives.  We need all the help we can get in these cold, dark months.  With that in mind here's my thought for today

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
Victor Hugo


  1. I needed the reminder to laugh, for when I get to the barn after work I imagine I will have a very muddy pony who will try to share that mud with me :)

    1. Of course she will share her mud pack with you, mud is good for the human complexion ;-)

  2. It is true roller we do need more laughter in these months.. Made me really laugh today when the non furry one came to practice my headcollar thing , strange though she didn't find it as funny as me. Sending you all winter smiles.. Woody x

    1. The endless fun that you can have with these humans and their stuff - headcollars, hoof picks, leading reins, syringes... oh the list is endless. It's fun to run rings around them. We could teach you a thing or two young Woody but your human might not agree ;-) Carry on making your humans laugh, they will be happier for it! xx

  3. My dearest Roller, you all made laugh many a time, too. Mini and the Olympics, Your Royal Highness Queen Diesel riding, Callie impressing the boys and you posing for the camera off-sync. Thank you for your lovely thought and laughter, both are good for the soul ♥

    1. We are so pleased to send you mulificent laughs, we agree laughs are very good for the soul xxx
