Wednesday 13 March 2013

My Little Pony Meets My Little Puppy!

There's been a new member of the Muleteer clan, I think you've all met him, the cute and mischievous Milo.... well, I decided that it was my turn to make his acquaintance!  I've heard he's small, cute, full of beans and has appalling wind.... hmmm are they not talking about The Mini?  FH likes to call him My Little Puppy, she says there is irony in there somewhere?

So I invited him over for a closer look.... it's hard to see him over the fence when you're my height!  This 'Little' puppy is actually quite big.... have you seen the size of his hooves? They're massive!  I think he will grow in to My Big Puppy and might even become as big and strong as me :-)

Here I am teaching him the value of hoovering carrot pieces from the floor.  He loves carrots, I think we will have a lot in common.

I also noticed that the puppy had brought along his Cloth Dog chaperone. Someone needs to keep the youngster in check :-)  I rather like the cloth dog, in fact I would go so far as to say that I was rather mesmerised by his handsomeness.  He has a very interesting tail that I just had to investigate.... it wags around a lot and looks quite different to mine, it isn't very flowing, I thought I'd better check by giving it a nudge and snuffle, the Cloth Dog didn't seem to mind, he told me that I was much more gentle than his puppy charge who seems to think his tail is a toy for pulling on.... yikes, better watch out for my splendid hairdo, don't want that messing with!

After sharing the carroty goodness MH brought out another treat, an apple, now I wasn't aware that dogs ate apples and carrots?  I hope they don't like grass and hay or us Muleteers will have to compete with them!  My Little Puppy tries to look very cute.... I must try and master that sit thing, it seems to work in all instances!

Uh-oh the Cloth Dog's getting in on the act too, surely he doesn't like apples?  Hmmm FH says he is a labrador and this means that EVERYTHING is edible.... an interesting concept, I really must get to know this wise man further.

After the food was all consumed there was just a little bit of time left for cuddles and snuffles, now look here my canine friends FH still loves My Little Pony prowess, she says my mane is superior and I smell delightful so I'm happy I haven't been ousted!

Finally it was time to say goodbye to my new friends, I would really like them to come and play again, I'll even share my carrot treats with them.  I've heard that dogs like to greet each other by sniffing so I thought I'd try it for goodbye as well..... FH says I sniffed the wrong bit, The Cloth Dog didn't seem to mind though, he just stood and gave me a very patient look?!

Bye bye friends, is there room for a little one in that big bed of yours?  I'd be ever so good?

What a lovely time with my extended family, where were the mules in all this?  Stood at the top of the hill swishing furiously!  Mini was having jealousy issues and Dragon was bored with all the boy talk.... can't please everyone!


  1. Oh always so much fun going on here at the Three Muleteers my mini horses can never wait to read your newest post ...actually I think the little mares have crush on Dragon ! Hee hee

  2. My dearest Roller, you are such a versatile gentleman!. I love your friendship moments and you all look adorable. I hope that one day both black beauties would be able to befriend the long-eared part of the family, too ... Who knows? :-) Hope all is well in the muleficient universe.

    Would you, kindly, ask FH to keep some ponificious silky hair strands for my sweater knitting ;-).

    Be well, darling.

    1. We hope those mules will delight the puppy with their presence soon too! They are a little suspicious..... I have asked FH and she promises to gather my silky strands, for the moment I have decided to stop shedding as the weather has turned, oops I think I lost my trousers too soon!

  3. How sweet of you to share your treats! And if you could sit, I would love to see that!!
    You are all too cute!

    1. I don't mind sharing my treats but don't like the look of those doggy treats, yuck!!

  4. Awwww, you've made me miss having my own dog! Dogs can be wonderful company, I miss my Onyx SIGH

    1. Oh poor you, to lose a good friend is so awful, we reckon your Onyx is running in meadows over the rainbow bridge keeping an eye on you, think hard and he'll be with you :-)

  5. He is cute for a yappy but what rubbish winter fluff he has. I'm impressed at the sharing of carrots. Not sure I would. xx looking good wee one

    1. His fluff is not very thick is it, he is definitely not rugged in design like me.... FH says he will need a coat soon!

  6. Loving meeting the other members of the household. Lots of affection for cloth dog he reminds me of my old dustbin I mean labrador... the floors haven't been quite as clean since... hmmmm. Hope mini gets over his jealousy battle am sure Dragon can help as I am sure she is no stranger to that when it suits her, I expect when the wilful two find a use for the black friends and understand what they do, they will be quite happy to share on their terms... ;-)...

    1. Hi Jo! Great to hear from you again. Dragon eyes up the puppy over the fence and seems to rather like him ;-) she certainly knows he belongs to the pack not like strange canines! The Cloth Dog is the greatest, we love him soooo much, saggy old cloth dog is turning out to be the perfect puppy parent and it's put a spring in his step! Love to you and Indybug xx

  7. Major is not impressed about having to share goodies with anyone. He's glad there is no dog on the scene at the moment after my old dog dies a couple of years ago, but he's in for a shock in a year's time when I retire as that' s the first thing on my list!
