Wednesday 20 March 2013

What's In A Name?

Somedays my human calls me by my name 'The Mini', sometimes she calls me 'Number 1', other days she calls me 'Sweetie'.  Some days she calls Dragon 'Dragon' and other days she calls her other things....

Today I was busy pondering our names and remembering how we came to get them.... 

So to begin with there!

The Mini

..... also known as Monty, My Darling, Wobble Monster, The Worrier or quite simply Number 1.

In a galaxy far away I was called Monty.  Someone thought this rhymed well with 'Mini Mule' and that I would be the (in)famous Monty The Mini Mule!  I had a brother called Muffin (original I know...) and we were destined to be exhibits in a children's farm..... Hmmmm I had other ideas about this!  

So when I began my life with the Muleteers Monty was my name but FH thought it didn't suit me, with her very overactive imaination (have you noticed this?) she tried out various terms of endearment for me, they included Montgomery, Mont, Sweetpea (I know embarassing huh?) but in the end she found that 'Mini' suited me well. I am shaped a little like a Mini car and have bags of personality and well.... I am fairly mini in stature!

But it became obvious that Mini did not sound quite right so I whispered that I am the one and only (in the words of Chesney Hawkes for those 80s pop fans out there) and that I should like to be 'The' Mini!  So there we have it, a name that is fit for purpose, one that I prick my ears up at and that suits me well.  Monty was always a little too normal for me....... Occasionally I hear FH call me Number 1, this is obvious although I try not to show off in front of the others, I have to say I've also heard her call the others this too, she says she doesn't have favourites but I know different;-)


....... also known as Keensacre Roland, Ro-Land, Roller Polar, The Gentleman or My Darling (by his Granny)

Roller being a pedigree mini shetland is the only one of us with a posh studbook name, it's not really fair is it?  When Roller was born the stud people wanted to call him Rowan but that name was taken in the register so they decided on Roland. His posh prefix 'Keensacre' finished the name.  The only problem was no one ever actually called him by his name so he had no idea he had one.  Until he arrived at Muleteer HQ.  On arrival FH found Roland quite a mouthful to shout when it was dinner time.  FH reckons names with two definite syllables are easier to shout so Roller's name soon became Ro-Land.  It seemed rather formal though and somehow reminded FH of a cartoon character called Roland Rat......  with time Roller was christened Roller as it suited his laid back approach to life and was nicer to holler, the little man also decided that was the name he would answer to.  When Roller is in his winter finest he adopts the poshest of names (much posher than Keensacre Roland), he becomes Roller Polar in tribute to his Polar Bear finery.

When people are talking about Roller I often here them refer to him as gentle, cute, sweet, lovely and kind, maybe these are also his names?


....... also known as Callie, Nectorbee, Nector, Noo or Juvenile Delinquent

Dragon is well... Dragon.  When Dragon arrived she was christened with the name Nectorbee and was nicknamed Noo.  FH was not very good at hollering this at dinnertime either and had begun to describe Dragon as Calamity Jane in mule form to others around her.  Opinionated, a bit of a bruiser, brash but caring underneath, could swipe a grown man in the eye with her tail hard enough to make their eyes water but also soft enough to blow gently on the back of your neck.  So the name Callie was decided upon, easy to holler and suitable for this unique lady.

On occasion we were all reminded of the fact that this mule is definitely a woman and a mule, she can blow hot and cold, she can be falling asleep gently one minute and breathing fire the next, pottering along the country lane quietly without a care in the world and chasing a naughty dog the next.  She can also be rather protective and lovey dovey over us minis.  If you've ever seen the film Shrek you will know the Dragon character I'm sure.  So there you have it Dragon was christened and we all thought it suited her perfectly!  She's Callie in public, Dragon at home..... we love her whatever her name!


.......... also known as Lady Diesel, Catanian, Deesy Weese 

Diesel is our feline companion, she is queen of all she surveys!  Once upon a time she was found wedged under the bonnet of a van as a kitten, she always was a bit adventurous.  Without her Mum she was in a bit of a pickle but was rescued by a lovely lady.  On inspection of the adventurous kitty it was clear that she was rather dirty having spent a while in an engine compartment.  Try as she might kitty's rescuer could not get the diesel spot from her nose..... then it became apparent that it was part of her delightful features!  Diesel was christened and it suits her very well!  She joined the muleteer household and her name suited her very well so it was kept, at mealtimes FH slipped in to her vast imagination again and gave Diesel the Lady prefix (like her head isn't big enough as it is!) and on occasion let slip that her pet name is Deesy Weese.  When we were christened the Three Muleteers it did not seem fair that our feline companion was left out, she sleeps, eats and lives with us! That's when FH remembered her favourite programme as a kid 'Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds'.  Anything a dog can do a cat can certainly do better so the name Catanian was adopted and the rest is history.

The Three Muleteers

............ also known as 'My Sanity', 'My Little Piece of Heaven', 'My Gang'.... 'My Depleted Bank Balance', Makers of Mud or sometimes 'You Lot'

Finally the collective was gathered and it seemed that we needed a name.  It was our Granny Human that obliged.  Her observation that FH had finally found her Three Musketeers did not take long to set FH's overactive imagination in to gear...... the rest as they say is history!



  1. And I thought that I knew all your names and nicknames!. They all sound fantastic. How lovely that some of you pick the name to which to prick the ears :-)

    In other matter of things, yet related as you all are very artistic with your mud canvases, I was trying my new painting tools. I thought what could I draw ... So, here is my humble tribute to your beauty, mischief and friendship. Hope you like it!.

    1. To our dearest friend Carmen, we are so very touched! We love your tribute to us and must say that you capture our mulificence well :-) You have made us very happy and we send you loving snuffles, head butts, licks, woofs and wags to say a huge thank you!

      Your Friends - The Muleteers and Co xxxx

    2. Gracias, mis amigos, for your kind comment and the heartwarming snuffles, miaows, woofs and neighbrays. You are perfect models! :-)

    3. P.S.: I had to delete my blog above because of virus threats :-( I moved the post to

    4. Naughty virus attacks, thank you for moving our handsome selves somewhere safer :-) snuffles to you xxx

  2. You are some very loved Muleteers to have so many names!

    1. We sure do hope so! FH has an over active imagination!

  3. Oh my no wonder my mares that make me show them your blog rightously , are so confused about who's who lol ...their crush is on " The Mini" lol

    1. The Mini is so delighted to have fans in faraway places! He sends ear waves and snuffles to the ladies ;-)

  4. Dragon is so beautiful, such a pretty head, rolly has amazing winter fluff I am in awe of it, mini you are just so damn cute. Catanian much better than diesel makes you one of the gang.
    I have a posh name, Dartdale Zoe, I get The Zo, ZoZo, sometimes Grandmare and a few other unmentionable names that I in no way deserve. I have a few names for human as well but daren't put them on here in case she reads this....oops.

    1. Aww thanks Zoe, we are very flattered! Catanian likes to be part of the gang, we think she believes she is a mule, she sure behaves like one sometimes!

      We like the name ZoZo, sounds very friendly and wow you too have a posh name, you and Roller would make a very posh pair. Hmm the unmentionable names are never correct are they, we know the humans have to let of steam and sometimes don't control their use of words well but really?!

  5. Dragon would be a name I'd like to put to Siera! She acts like one might be around to eat her. But she is very sensible.

    Sunshine has a nice story to her name. As does her sister Sundance.

    1. Your gang have lovely names! Siera sounds like Dragon would also be apt, funny how some names just 'suit' them. Must be lovely to have mule sisters, are they alike?

  6. Lovely blog post they are all so beautiful :)

    1. Aww thanks Rebekah. It's nice to have you along again :-) stop by and say hi again soon, snuffles and neighbrays to you!

  7. Darling Mini, thank you very much for telling us about the history of your names. I had wondered how the names came about. It all makes perfect sense and the names really suit each member of FH's Gang. I can see that "Monty" was not really right for you.
    Love and cuddles to all the Gang from Judy in Cambridge

    1. Dear Judy, we think we found our names somehow :-) we tried them all out and we think they suit, I'm glad you think so too! Sending you neighbrays and ear waves xxx
