Friday 15 March 2013

Roller's Philosophical Friday: Caring

I'm the caring, sharing type and reckon my Muleteer friends are too :) So often in life people seem to forget that there an individual under a facade, a person (or pony) behind the number or name, a friend or a foe, a need behind a whisper.... sometimes something takes an hour when it should take a minute.... a small kindness, a gesture, a nudge, a whisper, a snuffle, a hug.  Sometimes we all need care and compassion, hopefully we remember those others who need it too?

In small acts we make huge impacts..... this weekend I'm going to snuffle for a living!  Sending you all snuffles and care :-)

Too often, we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
Leo Buscaglia


  1. Mmmmm... We just got that nice kind snuffle.. We are all sending kind snuffles and kisses and nibbles ( that's from the boys)
    They haven't, perfected the art of kisses yet. To you too Roller.. Also weekend kisses to mini and dragon.. Loud brays to the humans, followed by a kiss. X Ruby & Daisy.

    1. Loving the snuffles, kisses and nibbles, those boys will learn the art soon ;-) Hope you've all had a nice weekend and those rascal boys are behaving xx

  2. We all need to learn to care just a bit more, and we can learn so much of that from our animals.

    1. So true! If humans behaved like animals many of the world's problems would not exist...

  3. So true, dear Roller. It is those small and kind gestures what keep the flame of life. Snuffling for a living sounds perfect!.

    Sending my love to you all and back to my Rollerhat as it is freezing again!.

    1. P.S.: That is one of my favourite moments, Lady Catanian at the center of the universe!.

    2. Hope you are staying warm in your Rollerhat, I am pleased as I cannot be there with you that you have a Roller style warming device :-) We love this picture too, reminds us of summer and a very happy family! Snuffles to you xxx

  4. Wonderful photograph! My donkeys send my two cats scampering most of the time. I know they
    just want to play but the cats aren't so sure. Love how relaxed Catanian is!

    1. Catanian is certainly a feisty girl, we are sure she thinks she's a mule in disguise. She ran away from the mules to start with but then started to stand her ground and called their bluff - they adore her now!! She even sleeps with the minis at night which is just too cute!
