Friday 23 November 2012

Roller's Philosophical Friday: Strength

Dearest Muleteers, I am a giant among ponies, I have the strength of ten bears and although I look sweet and fluffy I have a steely inner core.  I will not move from the feeder, I will not be cowed by bullying and I will withstand the lashing of the rain, the beating of the wind and the trials that are sent my way.  But... I am gentle, I am soft, I am loving, I am giving, I am quiet and I am calm; I am strong.

There are times when you must harness your strength and stand up and be counted, in the muleteer household my strength is an inspiration to all.  I will not falter, I will not back down but I will be gentle, caring and loving and always share. When you are weak I will lend you my strength dear friend.

With that I give you my quote for today...

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.
Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. Perfectly put Roller. x

    1. Thanks Jo! Hope you have survived the flooding, Callie sends ear waves to Indy x

  2. Nice!! Funny how the little guys are always so much tougher than the big ones, right?
    Great post!

    1. Most definitely, the two toughest characters here are the minis.... poor Callie is overwhelmed!

  3. Dearest Roller, you are as beautiful as strong. Such a lovely picture, all fluffy and busy. Actually, your wondrous long tail reminded me of something ... my own hair!. Very long, dark and wavy, a-la-Roller!.

    1. My long and luscious tail takes much brushing and preening, FH enjoys making it very swishable! I bet your long hair looks great in that classic style - the pony tail!
