Friday 16 November 2012

Roller's Philosophical Friday: Mothers

Dearest Muleteers, this week MH has left us for the excitement (?!) of a conference.  We waved him goodbye with heavy hearts as where would our banana peels come from (FH does not like those yellowy treats) and who would chat to us over the fence when FH is not available?

Not to worry too much muleteers we had a surprise as we had Granny Human come to stay to keep us and the Pocket Sized Labrador company while FH worked rather silly hours.  Now GH is a human version of a whirlwind, we think Hurricane Granny may be a good description.  We are always amazed at how much one person can achieve in a few days, GH cleans, cooks, irons, walks labradors, chats to us muleteers (telling us how beautiful we are which is true) and gets FH 'back on track' as she calls it.  Us muleteers love listening to GH and FH chattering away, generally FH is telling GH off for working too hard and GH tells FH to stop complaining, we think they are both a little strong willed?  FH reckons that this is perhaps where she gets her love of mules from.... strong willed us? No idea what she means.

Watching this pair got me thinking about what GH has taught FH, anyway in the words of GH "to cut a long story short"....muleteers the stories are always longer than short ;-) Here's my quote for today, hope you have someone that inspires you, now I wonder if I could inspire GH to take me for another walk or maybe she has some hidden carroty treats??

My mother taught me about the power of inspiration and courage, and she did it with a strength and a passion that I wish could be bottled.
Carly Fiorina


  1. Moms are inspiration! How lucky you are to have a GH!

    1. We are very lucky! Moms are definitely the best :-)

  2. Dear Roller, you make me smile on Fridays. I love the matching colours you and GH are wearing.

    1. Sending you Roller snuffles, I love making you smile on a Friday, here's looking forward to many more smiles to come!
