Tuesday 4 June 2013

Tidy Your Room!

Hey Catanian!  Your room is a mess, you really need to tidy up in here.... it's a disgrace...

What'd you mean I'm not supposed to be here?  The door was open and there's a mule shaped space so I thought I pop in and do inspection duty.

It's a good job I did! Would you look at this mess! Your room is a disgrace... there is hay all over the floor, here let me help you tidy that up... don't look so unamused!  What's that you say that I'll get stuck?  No don't be silly I can turn in the tightest spaces, some of us watch our waistline unlike those boys!

And what's this you've got hidden in here?  That looks like my favourite food.... hang on a minute the bag seems to be empty... where have you hidden it naughty kitty?!

Is it in here, gosh it's such a mess!  Don't miaow at me that it was human's fault and they were trying to make space for my straw....and it's not your room anyway, of course it is! The minis have one stable, I have the other and you have the smallest room at the end surely?

Look, evidence!  I found your stinky kitty cat food...

What's that you said?  You don't bother sleeping in here any longer as it's soooo messy, you've found a tidy bedroom?  With THE BOYS?!  What?!  They are not tidy!  I've seen their bedroom in the morning, it looks like they've had a party, food everywhere, mini nuggets sprinkled far and wide and buckets up ended.  I don't know how a lady can live in such a place?

What do you mean you have a deal?  The Minis check when you're in residence (your ladyship)....

Then they guard you and snuggle down with you...

All that in exchange for some mouse deterrent duties and a little friendship.... 

Hmmm I'm sticking with the lady's bedroom next-door.... think you need to tidy those boys up!  

FH come here and tidy this store room up.... it's a disgrace! Otherwise I'm calling Granny Human and she'll make you as only Mum's can ;-)


  1. I laughed a lot at the sight of a mule in a shed. So sweet that so little damage was done!

    1. She was so careful, no damage done and seemed to be able to get in to the smallest gap - phew!

  2. Mules will willingly go in the oddest of places. Badger used to walk into the garage and stand to get clipped quietly next to a big old messy tool bench.

    Siera and Opal don't have a beautiful shed like this!

    1. The more stuff to nose around in the better as far as Dragon's concerned, she is completely unbothered by spades falling over and stuff dangling around her head - typical mule!

  3. My dear little Queen, of course, you not only have one but two castles!. I love the nighttime moments ... it is so sweet. Be well, beautiful you, and stay away from the pipe maze! :-)

    My dear Callie, Muletta Hermosa (beautiful), being you the utmost lady you can sneak into interesting places with a trim waistline. Your curiosity and determination makes you a great Mula Inspectora.

    The last picture says it all ... yet, the colourful paraphernalia is a great background for your lovely lines. The bright side on the mess?. You look fantastic inspecting!

    Amor (love) and cuddles to all.

    1. Dearest Carmen! I have been told that the pipe maze is out of bounds, my minis said if they can't follow I am not to go exploring... it was a bit dark! As every Queen should I have been known to sleep in any castle I desire, I was a little unamused by Dragon's visit to my secondary castle, I thought she might make it messy - I can't believe she thought it was me? I really am trying to tidy those boys up but, well, boys will be boys right?! - Miaows and Headbutts xxx

      Dragon here, I am always on the look out for fun and like going where no mule has gone before, my humans always worry that I will get stuck or cause damage, they do not ever need to worry, I have teeny tiny feet with a better turning circle than any car and of course the intelligence of a mule!

      Sending amor and neighbrays to brighten your day :-)

  4. So silly! Good thing she does watch her waitstline so she can fit into tight spaces like that and make sure everything is tidy!

    1. Hehe she likes to inspect everything, nothing gets past that mule! My back was turned for a second and there she was looking all happy, quick spin round and she was busy inspecting the mess, it'll teach me to leave the door open ;-)

  5. Smart kitty! Maizee sleeps in my room sometimes too. Mom has caught her leaving in the morning, no pix though. My room has been mouse hole free since :)

    1. Kitty cats are great aren't they? We love our kitty, your Maizee (cool name) sounds like she would get along with Catanian, they could compare the joys of living with us equines ;-)
