Wednesday 1 August 2012

Mule-lympics Here I Come!

That’s it!  I’m off to the Mule-lympics!  The call has come in, yes the one that I have been waiting for!  Her Majesty rang my own personal phone to call me up to Team GB!  It would appear that there is a place available on the Dressage team.

Wait I can hear the phone ringing!
Yes Your Majesty, I am at your service!


Oh muleteers I am soooo happy. 

It all started last week when I posted off my letter to Her Majesty letting her know that I would be a stand in for Team GB.  

Sealed with a kiss your majesty, pick me!
I had been too busy to enter competitions to qualify as I have been working on my physique (larger than life fans!).  In my letter I let Her Majesty know that I would be the perfect selection for the Team GB dressage.  I have heard all about the requirements for a dressage master:

1/. Elegance – this is no problem, I think you’ll agree that I am elegant in all ways.

2/. Light on your feet – look at these beautiful hooves, how could I not dance beautifully with these?

3/. Timing – my timing is superb, I know the split second when FH is out of bed and ready to open the gate!

4/. Obedient – FH is pretty obedient and does as she’s told, I think she is pretty submissive to my ways

5/. Good looking – need I say more???

6/. Star quality – of course, I am The Mini and I would look good in gold!

And the winner is!
I have packed my saddle bags ready to go but there is just one tiny detail that I missed…..

Muleteers apparently I would actually have to carry FH so that we could dance together.  Oh dear, it would appear that I will just have to stay here listen to it all on the radio, oh well I never did like the big city anyway ;-)

 'Til next time Muleteers, FH has promised a Gold Medal all of my own just for being so mulificent!


  1. But you see ... you are a beautiful mule with talents soooo unappreciated by the equine elite!

    Love this!

  2. That is so true Val, us long ears are much under appreciated, except by those in on the secret :-) If we *wanted* to I'm sure we could compete at the Olympics but have to say it all looks a bit like hard work to me... best leave it to the short ears!

  3. Oh you are siooooooo cute . Sorry her majesty did not get in touch, such a shame as i am sure you would have walked off with gold muliffiency.

    1. Oh thank you Ann, it is mulificent to make your acquaintance, stop by again soon :-)

  4. You are a gold star, Mini! ♥

  5. Absolutely you deserve a gold medal. Mules and native ponies could show them warmbloods a thing or two.
