Wednesday 15 August 2012

Catanian - Nine Lives are Not Enough!

Everyone says that cats have nine lives, well my kitty Catanian needs to have more than this!  She has been getting in to bother last night and dragged herself back to Muleteer HQ this morning soaking wet and a little worse for wear.  We think she may have been out on the tiles and slipped and fallen or worse still had an argument with something solid :-(  We all knew that there was something wrong with our little feline friend when she didn't eat her stinky kitty breakfast and did something that she NEVER does.... she growled at FH when she picked her up and then yelped a lot. 

Luckily FH has lots of lovely cat (and mule, not so lucky!) doctor friends one of which offered lots of good advice over the phone and then Catanian was whisked away for an adventure.  After lots of drugs and TLC she is now back home at Muleteer HQ (the vets did not seem keen to keep our wild kitty, I can't imagine why!!).  Amazingly nothing is broken we think and she is just a little bruised and shocked.

Our little kitty friend is not impressed as she has been put on crate rest!  She has to stay indoors for a while to make sure she is better, she is now behaving like a caged lion, even I'm scared muleteers, I'm not sticking my velvety muzzle near the bars!  She's definitely on the mend, FH has told us she'll be fine, the purring when cuddling test has been accomplished and she is ravenously hungry so there can't be too much wrong with her.

She really did give us all a nasty fright muleteers, we expect our Diesel to be an indestructa-cat, we think we shall order her some new feline lives, in the meantime I'll be keeping a close eye on her but I don't think there'll be any mule riding just yet!


  1. Goodness, so sorry to hear one of the mule riders has to take time out for a while, wishing a speedy recovery back to feline fun and flexible health. I am also hoping that Dragons poorly leg? has healed and she is fully has been on my mind, as her old companion removed his shoe and stomped on a couple of nails and is on holiday at the moment (in sympathy I think) ;-) It does give lots of time to reflect and slow down though.

    1. Thanks Jo! Yes Dragon's leg is much improved :-) we have been using the time to play lots of other exciting games and the cleaning and checking has been a good opportunity to cement some of the trust, she has been a super good girl. As seems normal with mules she has hardly noticed and isn't lame at all, if only we knew how she had done it! Hopefully back to activity soon but in the meantime she is enjoying flirting wildly with the boys (including Rich!). Sending Indybug get well soon vibes xx

  2. Well wishes to all the convalescent patients!.

  3. :-) Thats great to hear, Summer Sores might be worth researching? It has been very humid and wet. Love to all x Love reading your comments Carmen.

  4. I'm so sorry Catanian got injured! Ouch. We had cats when I was a kid that wandered and seemed to take on more than they could 'chew'.
    I hope she recovers quickly.

  5. Poor Diesel, I hope she is on the mend.

    1. Diesel is now thoroughly recovered and has spent the day excavating mole hills! She is back to her normal super charged self with no ill effects after her adventure, she must have many cat lives :-)
