Monday 20 August 2012


Greetings Muleteers!  What makes for a happy Callie?  WORK!  I had such a lovely weekend, FH and I are fixed so we were back out and about showing off my mulificence to anyone that passed (they can't miss it!)  On our first day back out together we had a quick hour around the block and went to visit with some friends and check out the progress our local farmers are making with the hay making.... the sun has got to shine for long enough soon, surely?

Yesterday we had a much more exciting adventure!  I went trainspotting!  Muleteer HQ is nearby to some trainlines (these are super whizzy things that transport you humans around, I would really like a go.... I've heard of mule trains so maybe there is a version for me with extra ear clearance?).  FH and I got up nice and early and waved our ears at the boys - this was a girls day out only.

Off we tottered down the road, normally FH gets off when we get near my trainspotting area and leads me carefully past, I have seen the mule train go past a couple of times but not too close and FH is normally there to watch with me on the ground.  Today FH decided to stay onboard, apparently she can get a better view of the trains from my back, I think I may be a little jealous?!  There we were riding along next to the trainline which is above our heads and the mule trains came thundering back and forth, FH let me know it was all ok, at one stage one of them was very noisy and I did have an extra close look that it wasn't a monster.  I even had to go underneath the trainline in a scary black tunnel a few times, it felt a bit strange having the trains above me but I am a mule and not much bothers me! 

FH was so pleased with me that I even got a carrot that I knew she had been hiding in her pocket, I did wonder when she was going to share her snack!  Anyway we carried on our little mule train journey and I waved hello to everyone we met, the friendly farmer in his tractor (he was dressed in his underpants again which do look a little strange especially when worn with wellies, then there was the uncontrollable collie that needed reminding that mule's bottoms are not something to bark at, the friendly cyclists who were very polite and admired my mulificence and then the not so friendly driver who tried to splat me on her bonnet.... FH had a few choice words for her, I shan't repeat them as I think they are not suitable for young ears like mine!)

We even got 'lost' muleteers, FH directed us down a track we'd never used before, I think really it was a secret way to make our ride last longer, here I am enjoying the view with Callie Cam (Zoe do you like my mobile tabs, just think with our combined mulificence we could rule the world :-).

Alas we had to go home eventually, The Mini had woken the entire neighbourhood (oops sorry folks, I hope you don't like to lie in on a Sunday!) and it was time for a snooze in the sun.... there was just time for one more thing though!  A hedge picnic as a thank you for a lovely ride!


  1. Such a wonderful journey, Callie!. No wonder you are such a Mula Valiente (valiant)!. Your train adventure reminded me of the covered bridges: it is said that they became covered not to scare the short ears going through ...

    The videos are lovely, your velvety radars scanning 360 degrees!.

    1. Mucho gracias Carmen! I love being called a Mula Valiente! Some more words to impress Roller :-)

  2. Those tabs are amazing. We have so much in common. I get to walk through a black train tunnel too sometimes. Human loves ears. I like mine to be rubbed inside them with a stiff bristle brush. Human says I am weird.

    1. Oooo a stiff bristle brush, that sounds nice! I like my ears rubbing a lot, it makes my eyes go funny :-)

  3. My human uses his knuckles to rub the inside of my ears! Its really quite wonderful!

    1. Oh yes that sounds perfect! I must tell FH that she needs more imagination on the ear rubbing!
