Wednesday 13 November 2013

Somewhere Over The Rainbow....

..... there is a little place called Muleteer HQ.  Even when there is rain, there is sunshine and today we were blessed with the best sign of this - a rainbow!

A beautiful rainbow never fails to make us smile and it looks like this rainbow has only blue skies underneath it right here where we live.  Our human says that we bring sunshine to her life every day - her own little rainbows!

As if we couldn't be happier then there appeared another rainbow, a double rainbow just for us!
Legend says that at the end of the rainbow you will find a pot of gold.  Well in this house we don't really care for gold (it doesn't go well with shades of mud and we'd lose it too quickly!).  If you look really closely FH has found what's at the end of her rainbow - US!  And guess what?  We found our gold at the end of the rainbow..... lovely tasty green grass - everyone's happy!

Rainbows always make us remember a very special person who is no longer with us, they bring a smile and brighten our day, we like to think they're a little hello from that person who is in a different place now :-)


  1. Thanks Muleteers, it's lovely to see a happy rainbow. Oh, and have you noticed, that when there's a double rainbow, the second one is a mirror reflection (the colours are back to front) :)

    1. You have taught us something wonderful Ann, thank you for pointing the reverse colours, we hadn't noticed. Sending you rainbows too!

  2. How beautiful indeed rainbows are and very special of course ~ and double rainbows so splendid !!
    Mum says she is glad special ones send messages with rainbows .
    Oh Roller Pollar "somewhere over the rainbow that's where you'll find me too "
    Greetings my handsome mini horse.
    From little me Mini Horse Extrodinare,
    your Honey Bee from across the sea

    1. The only thing prettier than the rainbow sweet Honey Bee - is you! I will keep trying to search for you at the end of murainbow ;). Yours forever - Roller xx

  3. What a wonderful, encouraging blogpost, and I'll always remember those who have gone ahead after reading it!

    1. So pleased you enjoyed it Mary Ann. We love rainbows and they are such a wonderful reminder of happy times and people, glad they will raise a smile for you too now.

  4. Beautiful and inspirational. You certainly brightened my day...thank you!

    1. So pleased to send a few suntans and rainbows your way Linda, you sure deserve them :)

  5. I love rainbows! I will stop on the side of the road when I see them to take photos. Muleteer HQ is very special indeed to be located right under the rainbow :)

    1. Aren't they the best? Rainbows are the daytime version of shooting stars, there do fleetingly but beautiful while they last :)

  6. My dear little rainbows, you bring sunshine to this part of the world, too!. I know that you are so humble as to mention the richest of riches lying at the end of the rainbow (after your wonderful selves, of course): mule gold ;-)

    Hope you are all well with FH back to adventure mode. What a beautiful post, it brought a tear, too

    PS: WordPress has trouble with all feeds and I see that your blogroll stopped showing my new posts long ago. There is one post that I wrote with you, my mulepuppyteers, in mind. If you fancy, it is entitled "When?".

    All my love to you.

  7. Dearest Carmen. We're so glad you appreciate rainbows too, we would send one right across the water just for you if we could - there would be miaows, snuffles, Neighbrays and squawks in abundance at the end waiting just for you :)
    Thank goodness you warned us about the blog roll not updating, we had missed some lovely posts! We will investigate how to fix although FH may need to lend a hoof as it looks complicated. Her back is improving thanks to her Chief and Private drill instructors (who are rather enjoying getting her back in shape!)
    Sending you muleteer hugs and love xxx

  8. What a stunning rainbow. Clearly there has been a misinterpretation, Muleteer HQ clearly is the pot of gold.

    That does bring up one question though, does this mean The Mini is actually a leprechaun?:)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 25 years ago humans father was very ill in horsepital. He wasn't going to survive long. Human went to visit him at a weekend. On the Saturday he was very very ill. On the Sunday morning as she was driving to the horsepital a most beautiful bright rainbow appeared in the sky. She knew then that her father had gone. When she got to the horsepital she wasn't surprised to be told her father had died.
      She got to see the rainbow bridge appear for him.....Whenever she sees rainbows she thinks of her father.

    2. Dear Zoe, please tell your human that this makes us even more certain that rainbows and shooting stars are smiles sent from others. Our experience is very similar. Sending you happy rainbows for a lovely weekend!

  10. I love rainbows. We don't see them often this time of year!

    1. They are so wonderful and never fail to raise a smile. We have had so many this week I feel very lucky :-)

  11. Muleteer HQ sounds like a little bit of paradise on earth....
    Cuddles from Judy in Cambridge

    1. Paradise was improved just a little bit more this morning by the delivery of your cuddles Judy - thank you! Have a lovely weekend :-)
