Saturday 1 December 2012

Friends in Miniature!

FH finally found me an appropriately sized friend!  Yipppeeee!  Do you know muleteers how long I've had to wait to truly be able to look one of you creatures in the eye?  My life is spent looking at the knees of my humans, FH does her best but she does look rather peculiar when she's crouched down on the floor, if I were an artist (which of course I am!) I would say the perspective is all wrong.....

I was sooooo pleased when I was told that a small human was coming to see me called ET.  I was about to get my very own friend in miniature!

ET is the owner of friends of ours Kim and Lewis, he is a perfectly miniature pony wrangler who appeared to know just how to keep me happy!

First of all I was dressed up in my best headcollar and ET found some yummy food for me!  It's a good job because I was hungry and I have to tell you I really liked the look of ET's rainbow boots!  They look like they'd be yummy to nibble on......

Then it was time for a lovely brush, my coat had got a little bit muddy so it was perfect to have a friend in miniature who could reach all the right bits and make me look shiny and handsome again.

I did notice something though.... ET seems to be as photogenic as me!  I think I may have competition for the title of most handsome mini creature in this part of the world, oh well, I'm very happy to share :-)

Once I was all tidy and mud free I pottered off to carry on eating.  It appears that The Mini wanted to muscle in on my new friend, he certainly looks like he needs a brush, mud packs are not in fashion Mini.  

Sorry Mini the humans have got other things to do, you'll have to wait, it seems that the big humans have designs on grapes (of a liquid variety), fires and pudding!  Hmmm what does a mini pony have to do to get an invite to the big boy party???


  1. Awww! Its good to have mini friends, too!

  2. How lovely, dear Roller. You all had a wonderful time. Sending you snow flakes from here.

    1. I would love some real snow flakes please! I am all ready for the snow with my polar bear coat if only it would arrive :-)
