Saturday 5 October 2013

A Mule's Eye View!

Ah a lovely sunny day and what better thing to do than look at the view?

So us Muleteers set about trying to decide what the best views of the day were?

First we decided on the view of fresh grass…. Mmmm yummy!

Do you like my Autumn highlight dapples?  I'm testing them out before asking FH to bring in the Mule Stylist.... she laughed at me!

We are particulraly interested in the lovely long grass in our field next door….. when are we allowed to try that FH? 

Boo!  Apparently not for a while as there are acorns on the ground.  Acorns is poisonous to us Muleteers so we’re not allowed in in case we hoover them up…. us sensible long ears wouldn’t (honest) but that Roller might do….. so we’re gonna let our friendly local squirrels and jays take them for their winter snacks and then it’ll be safe for us.

There are some other mighty fine views that I need to show you too.

Here is the view through the gate up to the moor.  I’m hoping to carry FH up there again soon, it’s beautiful at this time of year!

Then there’s the view across the hill, there used to be an ancient windmill up there and the ruins are still visible.  It is SO unfair though as no equines allowed…. Grrr!  If it says footpath surely that also means hoofpath? 

Being a bit of a busy body I do like to keep an eye on the neigh-bours.  Being a weekend there are lots of things going on. Humans being taken for a walk by canines, humans being carried by horses, humans going for drives in metal mules, sheep herding dogs and cattle giving the farmer a run for his money….. come to think of it us animals sure do keep you humans entertained don’t we?

I also quite like the view of my mini friends, don’t tell noone but I am quite fond of them and they are well really cute aren’t they?  Please keep this a secret though….. folks might think I’ve gone soft or something and I don’t want that…..

When you look at the finery of little Roller’s winter coat and the cuteness of The Mini’s ears it’s hard not to enjoy the view isn’t it?

And then there’s the rearview…. Come on my fellow girlie muleteers….. it is rather delicious isn’t it?

Roller’s favourite view was the view of the open store room….. dumdedum…. Just having a little look inside….. mmmm tasty……. I’m so small no one will see ;-)  

FH come quick Roller's being all determined to get his own way again.....

Queen Catanian is busy with her own favourite view – of her throne, nothing like a warm lap to sink in to and relax on while being scratched and petted!

One of my favourite views though is the view of the delicious hazel branches on the other side of the fence, this is one of my favourite treats but they are just out of reach.  I tried standing on my hoofytips but to no avail….

But then what’s this?  Oh My Mule!  This view looks GOOD enough to eat.

Yes, yes, yes FH.  Fetch the branches here….. a little closer…..

Heaven!  The best view is of a tasty morsel to eat with some sunshine and company thrown in for good measure.

While we were busy munching I heard FH whisper something about the finest view in the world…. Apparently it has something to do with her darling Muleteers happy together in the sunshine blissfully enjoying the simple things in life. 

Sometimes the best view in the world is the one that is right there in front of you if you look at it in the right way J

Have a wonderful weekend Muleteers!  And tell us what’s the view that makes you smile?


  1. What mighty fine views, indeed! Have yourself a wonderful weekend :)

    1. Thank you kindly! We've had a great one, hope you have too :-)

  2. Love all the views and photos of the muleteers today. Enjoy this nice sunny weather :)

    1. Hasn't this weather been awesome, and it looks set to stay dry for a few more days - bliss!

  3. OH! It all looks familiar now and gorgeous! Wish I was there ... hugs to the herd!

    1. Ah thanks Cynthia, hugs all received and enjoyed... especially by you know who :-)

  4. WOW, the views are glorious. So glad you posted them to share with us. The dapples make you look kinda zebraish!

    1. Oh yes zebraish is good, I gots zebra stripes on my leggies too, I could imagine myself on the African plains..... without the lions though :-(

  5. Mi querida Callie, each view is splendid!. Your mottled fashion is very feminine, you could wear it in your next ride :-) I loved all the pictures on the scenery, the grass, the tasty morsels, the rooftops ... but my favourite views are those on each of you. I always smile when I see you, mis amigos.

    1. My Dearest Carmen, I took your advice and went for the dappled mud pack look this morning for my ride with FH, I did indeed get to carry her towards the moor. I am so pleased that you enjoy this muletta hermosa :-) I am growing lots of winter fluff at the moment and have found that daily mud packs help with removal of my itchy summer coat.... FH seems a little puzzled by my beauty regime, I think she should try it!

      Sending you Muleteer neighbrays, snuffles, miaows and whinnies xxx

  6. You do have some wonderful views and yes I do really like "that" view of Roller. My favourite view at the moment is the wonderful Stormy and human turning up with biscuits and veggybols.

    1. Oh yes the handsome Stormy, he is delish, could you lend him down here Zoe? It would be nice to be able to look up to a man for once..... having said that the view of Roller does rather make up for his height though :-)

  7. Oh that makes me so happy! Thank you!
    I miss my mules so much. I wish I were home rubbing long ears.

    1. Hope you are home to rub some long ears soon, in the meantime may we offer our virtual ears instead!

  8. Willowy one loves that view through the gate, and thinks you are so beautiful Dragon !
    Tinkerbella is fast developing quite a full blown crush on mini mule ( but she has been know to be such a flirt that one !)
    Me, Honey Bee , devoted love of the handsome sir Roller ~ loves seeing his wonderful image in ALL the glamor shots including his beautiful tail.
    Oh and Dragon Lady ,Roller is just being a strong willed as he must get enough hay for his manly mini horse sustanence , I for one admire it !
    Neighs and nuzzles,
    Honey Bee the Beautiful ~ whose heat belongs to Roller

    1. err umm slip should say whose "HEART" belongs to Roller ...oh my Tink is laughing at me now.
      Slightly embarrassed ...Honey Bee

    2. Oh dearest fans! We are SOOO happy that you enjoyed our mulificent views :-) The Mini is most delighted at having a girlie admirer all of his own, he was a little dejected that Roller had won in the love stakes. Perhaps Tinkerbella has a liking for men of the long eared kind? The Mini can guarantee a great serenading voice and perfect manners, he is not as 'determined' as Roller and will always let the ladies first pick at the buffet!

      Dragon is as she most certainly knows a Queen among mules.... she is so sure of this she likes to share her beauty with all her fans.... she is happy to share her mini men with the ladies from afar... how can she keep all that cuteness to herself?!

      And finally the dearest little horse.... Roller sends his heart, whinnies and mane swishes to darling Honey Bee, if there were such a thing they would most certainly be the Pony Prom King and Queen, a cuter and sweeter couple it would be hard to find.... although we must remind Roller of his table manners!

      Sending sweet snuffles and neighbrays to all at Willow's Farm - R, M, D xxx
