Wednesday 25 July 2012

Highlights the Roller Way!

Greetings Muleteers!  Today I thought I'd show you my summer hair highlights that are not from a bottle!  FH says that many of my lady fans will be a little jealous of my magnificent mane, apparently it is normally very expensive to achieve such a mulificent effect in your hair, lots of chemicals, time sat in the hairdresser's chair reading magazines (sounds great!) and then scissors (does not sound great!).

Well muleteers my mane is highlighted with sun kisses and mud and I have to say it is having the desired effect on the lady in my life who seems very impressed with my handsomeness!

Just a short post for today as I am busy thinking about my next philosophical Friday....  I'm off to catch some more sun kisses, this mane is a labour of love you know, lots of hard work is put in to making it look this good.... now where is the mud for rolling in???