Friday 22 June 2012

Roller's Philosophical Friday: Small Things

Dearest Muleteers I have been pondering my Friday thought all week long and stumbled across the perfect quote.  I was busy thinking about all the 'Great Things' I could do and then I suddenly found perspective from a heroine of mine - Mother Theresa.  So here is my Friday Feeling ready to set you up for the weekend.

We can't do great things in this life.....
We can only do small things with great love.
Mother Theresa 

The Mini and I understand this completely, we may not be 17 hand shires or Thoroughbred racehorses but we can certainly do great love.  Our plans are simple, our needs are few but love is the thing that we have in GREAT quantities! Mother Theresa knew the truth, of course!

So Muleteers give someone some love this weekend, it feels good to share it!


  1. So sweet and wise, dear Roller. It is lovely of you to share Friday Feelings ... I am sending my long-distance love to you all ♥ My three kitties say Hallo too!.

  2. Oh thank you Carmen :-) I am so pleased to share my Friday Feelings with you! Sending snuffles back to you and your Kitties. I am very fond of cats!

    1. Thank you for your snuffles, Roller, will be delivered to them. My kitties are very fond of the keyboard, too. Yet, siesta intermezzo is too brief to type a story!.
