Saturday 9 June 2012

Summer at Mule HQ

Greetings muleteers!  The English summer is now in full swing, yes that's right we have had days of torrential rain and gales!  Gales are good for this Mini though, they blow away the midges and relieve my wheezy breathing as I'm allergic to pollen :-( So I've been enjoying the breeze and making the most of being able to shelter inside, I've also be making the most of sheltering behind my favourite hedge.

The only thing with this hedge is that the nettles have grown so high they are now taller than me!  This is not good... I have summoned FH and told her that she must cut down these nettles and when they've wilted I will gladly eat them for her.  If you look closely at the picture can you spot the odd one out?  Ro-Land's ears are sooooo small, much too small to be normal, blink and you'll miss them!

So apart from the torrential rain what else does summer bring to muleteer HQ?  Well lots of noisy neighbours trying to edge in on our territory.

Firstly look at this baby wren, it and its nest mates had very noisily set up home under the eaves and just when the sun shone they all came out of the nest and chirped very noisily to be fed, one of them even came and sat on my gate - hmmmm!

Then we have the swallows in residence again, I'm quite keen on them as FH says that they eat all the pesky midges so they can stay!  Here they are having a little rest....

Then it was time for them to leave and catch more pests - carry on friends I say!

Finally can you believe what I saw over the hedge???  Yes Muleteers that's right some pesky critters trying to muscle in on my FH..... now this I am not amused by.  Those silly bleating things called lambs, all I can hear at the moment is their calls saying - feed me, feed me, most annoying when a Mini is trying to sleep.

Well Muleteers as Summer is finally here it is time to master the art of eating in the rain.  It involves putting one's butt in to the rain, reversing one's ears so that no water gets in them and doing the very British thing of carrying on as normal.  

The British Marines have a saying, "There is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing" - this Mini is fully prepared, maybe I could be a Commando Mule? Til next time muleteers I am off to dodge the rain again!


  1. Our summer has come into full swing in the midwestern US. HOT and dry right now. The dust is terrible on those with allergies.
    The animals will be going out onto the summer meadow quite soon.

  2. Beautiful family portraits, Mini. Very interesting neighbours, too!.
