Monday 17 March 2014

Milo's First Swim!

Hey Cloth Dog, look at me I'm in the water!  It's such a lovely, warm Spring day this is a great way to cool down.  My legs are a little bit cold though…

What do you mean that this isn't swimming?  And I need to get all my body under…. hmmm, I'm not really sure but guess when my Big Brother tells me something's ok I should give it a go right?

Yikes! Oh My DOG!  You did not tell me it would be this cold and Clother where's the ground?  Quick get me out of here, I'm a thin skinned, stilt legged lurcher not a padded, waterproof labrador!  Whatever were you thinking?!

Must try to climb out as quickly as possible!

Oh VERY cold, not liking it. Quick, run away!

No Clother, no, not more water. No need to be generous with it, I've had enough water!

Gee whizz, you're like a big sponge Cloth Dog! It's a wonder you don't sink!

I'm cold and wet and need to go home now, I need to tell someone of my trauma that will understand how awful things were….. poor me!

Oh yes a little snuggle in the sunshine will do the trick.  

I tell you what Human Foal or Space Invader or whatever your name is… that swimming thing is not to be recommended.  You stick with me and I'll keep you dry…. although I can't guarantee to not lick your face ;-)


  1. Aww ~ loving it ~ big smile !! LOL

    1. Hehe it's hard not to smile at this gang up to no good!

  2. Awww! I am envious of your weather!
    What a fun times with the pups!

    1. The sunshine has been amazing…. we keep thinking it can't last…. alas the rain is due again tomorrow but we'll take what we can get!

  3. Poor Milo, how awful to be coerced into getting into that water. I don't like water either Milo, I think I was a cat in a former life. Zoe xx

    1. I was tricked Zoe, the Clother made me think it would be ok, we're not all cut out for this water thingy are we? Glad you understand, licks and wags - Milo xxx

  4. Milo! you've grown up! love to see you, Cloth Dog and the two humans in stripes soaking up the rays!

    1. We had an awesome time… even if I did get wet, hehe any excuse to sunbathe!

  5. Reading your posts makes me smile!

    1. Oh thank you Wendy, always lovely to hear from our readers - we hope to spread a smile when we can :-)

  6. Milo darling, you are a full-grown and svelte wind rider now!. Agree with the water issue, my cat-like Salukis would approve to stay dry and away :-) Lovely Murph, you had such a good time, that really looks like very cold water!.

    Glad you have nice weather, we are still freezing here. You all look adorable.

    Cuddles and kisses with a cold nose :) Be well, FH.

    1. Dearest Carmen, such a happy splashing time we had, although I was a little cold and not liking the wet it was fun nonetheless… and what better excuse for a warming snuggle with the human? My big brother is never happier than when diving in to the icy cold water, how he manages it we will never know but he seems immune, perhaps his smile makes his body warm too?

      FH says thank you for the well wishes, we are all keeping our beady eyes on her, she is doing well and enjoying the lovely sunshine :-)

      Sending you licks, wags, woofs, snuffles and neighbrays xxx

  7. Awww that is so cute! I hope Milo gets to enjoy the cool waters in the warm summer. It looks beautiful there and cloth dog certainly is built for swimming.

    Hopefully human foal can try out wading with them when she/he gets bigger! What adventures await!
