Saturday 22 September 2012

Winter Woolies!

Dear Muleteers, I've decided it's time.... time to make sure I'm fully prepared for winter, that's right it's time to grow my 25 tog Roller duvet!  Gone are the days of my lovely sleek golden coat and here I am working up to my winter woolies!  In these days of chilly nights, frosty morning and blue sky days it really is time to make sure that I am fully equipped for the weather.  As the Royal Marines say..."There is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing"!  I think I look a bit like a Royal Marine?  Don't you?  Handsome, muscular, quick, bold, brave and of course ready for anything!
This is my effort so far, I've got my double coat coming through, there's no time for the sandy golden colour that blends in with the golden grasses of summer, no it's now time for golden grey of my winter coat - I will blend in with the snow if it ever arrives!

It seems like a long time since I was this sleek and shiny!

I'm not quite there yet Muleteers, I have a little way to go until I have my full covering, here I am last winter, definitely the right clothing!

My Muleteer companions are also making sure they're not caught out by the weather, Dragon looked fine in her summer clothes, shiny and sleek!

Not now though Muleteers, my Dragon has toughened up her scales and is growing a winter duvet coat that is only rivalled by mine!  She does still look mulificent!  The Mini is time delayed and still looks rather sleek, don't tell him though he does need to freeze a few pounds off so we're not too worried ;-)

It's such hard work growing this coat, must be time for a snooze!  Hope you're all tucked up warm and have brushed off your winter coats and duvets!


  1. Those velvety coats are beautiful!.

    1. Thank you Carmen! I am doing my best to grow a thick duvet as I think it might be a cold winter. Sending you Roller snuffles x

  2. Shy is getting her winter woolies, too! I was at the barn Tuesday and she was a sleek and shiny pony. . .but Friday, fuzz ball!! Yup, it is that time of year again. . .brrrr!

    1. We're all getting ready for winter! Definitely that time of year, hope Shy is well, sending muleteer greetings across the water!

  3. Ro-Land = you do indeed look incredibly handsome. And Callie looks gorgeous too. I wish that I could sink my hand into your coats just like the photo!
    With ear waves from Judy in Cambridge (actually in Bromfield near Ludlow at the moment)

    1. Why thank you Judy, I do like to look my best! My Dragon friend is a very fine muletta (she knows it too!) FH is always sinking her hands in to my coat, it seems to be therapeutic for her, good job my coat is thick and soft. Sending you Roller nuzzles wherever you may be xx
