Thursday 6 September 2012

Go Faster Stripes

Whizzy, like a wind up toy, got my walking trousers on, forward going, on a mission, places to go people to see...... many of the descriptions of me that I have heard FH utter about my forward outlook on life!! FH and I have been enjoying the last of the sunny evenings out and about checking out the local happenings.  We've been making sure that the road workers have been repairing our damaged roads (very well!), the bull is wooing his cows, the sheep are not being silly and getting stuck and of course reminding the local canines of their manners!

It seems that many of the folks we come across are a little surprised that I am not a slow walker.... it seems that they think I may be a little on the steady side like my donkey dad (hmmm not all donkeys are slow I can promise you, FH knows this only too well!).

But Muleteers they have missed a rather obvious point...... haven't they noticed my GO FASTER STRIPES???

My Go Faster Stripes ensure that I am whizzy like a Mustang (Uncle Human has one of these but we do take exception to its name, we think it should be called a Mulang and then it would be even more impressive ;-)  So look, check out my Go Faster Stripes!
I have Racing Stripes on my legs, whizz watch me go!
I have a beautiful mule cross, Carmen has christened it the Cruz del Sur, like the stars in the  sky!
My ears have striped tips! FH calls them my radar equipment.
As you'll see Muleteers it is not surprising that I have a mulificent turn of speed.  Step aside Ferraris, Thoroughbreds, Mustangs and Usain Bolts, this Muletta is coming past!


  1. Ah, my beautiful Cruz del Sur ... you sparkle like the stars in your constellation, while your racing stripes leave a comet tail behind ... Without any doubt, you are superbly equipped to be a great Mula Veloz (fast)!.

    1. Thank you for my new word Carmen, I am most certainly a Veloz Cruz del Sol :-) Happy Weekend, hope you enjoy a peaceful one in the countryside!

  2. I want go faster stripes. They are awesome.

    1. Thanks Zoe! We are lucky to have such whizzy stripes, wish I could try them out on your stubble fields! Hope you're still enjoying them :-)

  3. Your stripes are stunning
    Ear waves from Judy in Cambridge
