Friday 7 September 2012

Roller's Philosophical Friday: Positivity!

Dearest Muleteers.  Sometimes life can get you down and everything can be difficult but in the words of a very wise human that we know you can always find 'the positive from the negative'.  Us muleteers are full of positivity; we don't have a wrong side of the bed, bad hair days, PMT or chocolate withdrawal.

So this brought me to this wonderful quote for Friday, when life seems a little tough there is always one thing to rely on - the power of positivity!  Try it muleteers, it's really hard sometimes to see the good from the bad but if you practice counting up all the good things in your life I promise they are there, sometimes we just need to remember them :-)

There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference! The little difference is attitude.  The big difference is whether it's positive or negative.
W. Clement Stone

Til next week Muleteers!  Sending you all Roller snuffles to spread the power of positivity!


  1. Dear Roller, I started my day with your bright quote, thank you!. Wish you all a sunny day rolling on the sweet grass.

    1. It was a lovely sunny day here just as you said, lots of sleeping and eating and of course philosophising! Velvety snuffles for your weekend x

  2. Roller - you are such a clever, lovely boy. Jxxx
    Ear waves from Judy in Cambridge

    1. Thank you Judy! I spend many hours dozing in the sun thinking of what to share with my fans, I'm glad you like it! Roller snuffles to you x
