Friday 26 October 2012

Farewell Our Big Dog Friend

Dearest Muleteers, today we said goodbye to our friend; our Big Dog has crossed the Rainbow Bridge to chase bunnies, crunch bones, roll in unmentionables and sun bathe to his heart's content.  The sun will never set across the Rainbow Bridge; there will always be a comfy bed to lie on, a rotten fish to roll in, an old friend to lick and leap at and his bones will no longer grow weary.  May you meet old friends on your journey Big Dog and wait patiently for those to come.

So today Muleteers I offer you my tribute to our Big Dog friend Indy and to all of those loving canine companions that we have been lucky enough to share time with. 

"Dogs, bless them, operate on the premise that human beings are fragile and require incessant applications of affection and reassurance. The random lick of a hand and the furry chin draped over the instep are calculated to let the shaky owner know that a friend is nearby."  -Mary McGrory

"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." -Unknown-


"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too."  -Samuel Butler-

"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace." -Milan Kundera-

"The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog... He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer; he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounter with the roughness of the world...When all other friends desert, he remains." -George G. Vest- Speech in the U.S. Senate, 1884

"Dogs lives are too short...their only fault, really."  -Agnes Sligh Turnbull-

I am off to provide the humans with ample snuffles, Roller Polar hugs, manes to sniff at for Eau de Pony and of course unconditional love.

Rest easy Indy xxxx


  1. Sweet Journeys Big Dog! Looks like you had a great life while you were with the Muleteers :)
    My thoughts will go out to your family during this time.

    1. Thanks Allison! Knowing the Big Dog he went on his journey at lightning speed, then got tired and had to lay down for a snooze :-)

  2. I am sorry to hear this. It's always painful losing a dear friend. Lots and lots of sympathy and support heading your way from me. At least Big Dog had a happy life with you.
    With very best wishes, Judy in Cambridge

  3. P.S. Love the picture of Big Dog when he was a puppy. Time flies....
    With very best wishes, Judy in Cambridge

    1. Time certainly flies when you have as much fun as we all did, thank you for the thoughts and wishes - sending you Roller snuffles xx

  4. Aww how sad. Love the photos of him. Looks like you all have some wonderful memories of him to keep forever.

    1. Thanks Zoe, lovely memories which we will always enjoy :-)

  5. Friend, please don't mourn for me
    I'm still here, though you can't see
    I'm right here by your side each night and day
    And within your heart I long to stay.

    Poppy will be waiting at the end of the rainbow with a giant bonio!!! Love from Tan, Baz & Brody

    1. Thanks guys! Indy and Poppy will be having a great time, Poppy will be hogging the bonio and the bed - she'll be really pleased she now has Indy's too! I somehow think there'll be a lot of woofing, digging on the beach and rolling in stinky things, sounds like fun over the rainbow bridge :-)

  6. There are no words, my dear friends, only tears. I wish I could smell right now your Eau de Pony Magnifique, dearest Roller.

    My beloved Salukis (kin to the Greyhound)are awaiting sweet Indy to chase the wind and ride the stars. The pictures show the precious life Indy had among you all.

    ~Love and hugs.

    1. Thank you Carmen, we are sure that our friend Indy will be enjoying chasing the wind with your Salukis, we are so lucky to have our canine companions 'on loan' for even a short time. Roller's Eau de Pony has been wonderful and as always our muleteer gang and the pocket sized labrador are our solace. Roller sends virtual Eau de Pony with a swish of his magnificent mane and a snuffle of his velvety muzzle xx

    2. Lovely Roller has perfumed my morning ... and enveloped me in sweet memories of my beautiful Salukis "flying" at Sighthound speed. Have fun, dear Indy, running and romping and rolling and flying!.

  7. Lucky Lucky Big Dog to have had such a family what all dogs wish for, sending lots of love to fill the gap that is left behind xxxx

    1. Thank you Jo, we were lucky too, we had some fabulous times and we owed him so much. Losing our friends is never easy but we are so lucky to have our wonderful gang and our memories to continue to make us smile xx

  8. So sorry for your loss. Losing a good dog is so hard. He was so loved, that I can tell by the photos.
    I hope Indie meets up with Badger the mule, and Xena the Princess Dog and they all play well together.
    Gosh, I cannot believe I get choked up just typing this.

    1. I'm sure Indy and Badger and Xena will be playing across the rainbow bridge. Indy always loved keeping an eye on the long ears across the fence, I'm so glad he will have Badger to watch over now. xx

  9. Indy, as my tribute to you GH is trying to get to grips with technology, I can hear you laughing out loud just at the thought of that. You, along with your Muleteer friends, Diesel and the naughty labrador plus FH and MH gave me and will continue giving me their unconditional love.

    You always gave me your 'very big and special welcome', knowing GH would bring her doggy chews and lots of pats and strokes. You were the 'very best' dog for walking on your lead for GH, matching each others pace and never pulling her off her feet when you could have!
    Sweet dreams my darling Indy, you brought lots of love to our lives and love is a very powerful thing!! GH

  10. Oh dear - such sad news! So sorry for your loss of an important and dear family member.
    Mules - take good care of your humans! Sending hugs from across the ocean.

  11. Thank you :-) us mules will make sure that our humans are kept busy!
