Friday 10 January 2014

Roller's Philosophical Friday: Weather

Hmmm this weather thing is getting a bit frustrating isn't it? We've had torrential rain and flooding here with only the occasional glimpse of sunshine and our friends in North America have had arctic temperatures, snow and ice.

We're hoping that this weekend will bring some better weather for us all, the signs are good at least for a day or two.  I will cross my pony hooves and plead with Mother Nature….. again!

My mule friends are even more glum about this weather thing than me, they would like to move to the desert.  Underneath all the frustration I am actually quite content.  I get to shelter indoors, test out my lovely waterproof coat and it's a great excuse to indulge in the sweet hay!

But for the sake of everyone else come on Mother Nature let's have a nice weekend, I'd be very grateful.

In the meantime I have a little quote to put an optimistic slant on the weather, the others are a little cynical about this quote but hey sometimes it's all in how you look at things……

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.
John Ruskin

And just to prove this, here's the lovely weather we had just the other day…. with the rain follows the sun, it just makes us appreciate it that little bit more :-)

Happy Weekend and here's hoping for the sunny kind of good weather!


  1. There's been nothing refreshing about the rain recently! Keep safe over there...

    1. And you guys too! It's been thoroughly miserable!

  2. Yu didn't do a positive on Artic stuff. Mom says it's building muscle hauling water to the barn!!!

    1. That's a great way of looking at it, gosh your Mom must be like the Incredible Hulk?? Take care xx

  3. We need the rain to make the grass grow. Grass is yum.

    1. True Zoe, and today sunshine to help it grow - yippee!

  4. Happy Weekend! It looks positively gorgeous over there :)

    1. It's lovely today, hoping for a bit more sunshine!

  5. We'll try for optimism over here Roller. Although, it's probably a good thing that John Ruskin guy hasn't been around for a visit.

    I hope you are all doing well over there in the wet. I saw pictures of those huge waves crashing over the sea walls - crazy. Is that near you?

    Here's hoping for some sun and good weather for all of us.

    1. Hooves crossed for better weather for us all, we deserve it surely!

      The waves and flooding have been on the coast near to here, lots of damage and very dramatic. Thankfully us Muleteers have escaped the coastal flooding as we're a few miles inland, some of our friends have not been quite so lucky :-( Hope that Mother Nature has a little rest soon maybe?!

  6. I very much enjoyed the lovely pictures of you and Dragon and The Mini looking gorgeous in the sunshine. I was stuck in the office all day but I had a lovely view of the Botanic Gardens bathed in sunshine.
    You are very wise Roller - quite right about attitude making a big difference. Like lots of things in life, we can't change the weather but we can change, or adapt, how react to it. I used to really hate being outside in the rain and then I made a conscious decision not to let it bother me and it worked.
    Hope that you have a happy weekend!
    With cuddles from Judy in Cambridge

    1. Dear Judy! We're glad you liked our sunny pics! FH calls us here rays of sunshine :-) We completely agree with your take on the weather, it is how we view it (as long as it's not causing damage or injury), lots of coats, layers and a smiling face always help!

      Wishing you a happy weekend too Judy, we hope you've had some nice sunshine today like us xxx

  7. Oh Roller you are just so clever and so knowledgeable! I've just heard the bbc gave it's first weather forecast 60 years ago tomorrow/11th.
    To celebrate it looks like the sun is going to shine for The Muleteers tomorrow and you all might get to frolic outdoors.
    Hope you're all being well behaved for FH,alas I haven't been able to visit but GH is always keeping an eye on you all and 'Philosophical Friday' is a highlight for GH.
    To all overseas and in UK,I hope you are all safe and well,I so admire the commitment you all have to your animals.Hope the sun shines and life gets a little easier.Stay safe.GH

    1. Dearest Granny, I try very hard to be knowledgable, it takes me so long to think up these things, some think I sleep and ponder a lot for a little pony but they just don't understand that genius takes time and patience ;-) The weather today is wonderful, yippee! FH was even more committed today than normal, we think she was taking the excuse to be in the sun too secretly ;-) Her secret's safe with us xxx

  8. My dear Roller, you always bring such a balanced view. I, too, had been worried upon seeing those waves smashing the southern UK coast. We, in turn, were at the epicenter of the polar vortex bbbrrrr!. You all look lovely in the kinder weather and hope it lasts long for more adventures to come :-)

    Stay warm and dry, mis amigos. Cuddles and mimos to you all. ♥♥♥

    1. Our Dearest Chilly Carmen, we hope the Roller hat has been performing well and keeping your ears toasty warm in that amazing polar vortex - brrr indeed! We are doing our best to dance for Mother Nature and ask her to send some sunshine over to you…. but not too much too quickly or the thaw will not be good! We have more sunshine today, ah it is so delicious to bathe in :-)

      Warming snuffles and neighbrays across the miles xxxx

  9. Roller you look so very dashing in your Winter woollies ~ even Tink says so .
    Tink also thinks Mini mule looks very cute .
    We tend to agree with your quote about the weather, but brisk rain does tend to dampen our spirits,
    Trot on friends across the pond , have a happy weekend.
    H.B.( mini mare exrodinare) and Tink the (Sassy Shetland)
